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Thread: Got a Sec.. take a look at this cut

  1. #1

    Got a Sec.. take a look at this cut

    week 1-4 30mg dbol ed
    week1-10 100 test prop eod
    week 1-10 80 tren eod
    week1-10 400 EQ ew
    week 5-10 50 winny ed
    week 5-10 200 Masteron ew

    nolv, clomid,ala, milk t, etc.etc.etc.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Drop the D-bol...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    if china tren have fun! you will have lumps all over your body

  4. #4
    thinking home made on the tren and having a hard time finding the mastron.. know one guy that has been sitting on some for years now.. the x date on it is 12/00 so i don't know about it for 15 per amp.. thinking about dropping it.. the rest is human or vet grade NO Fortune Cookies.. i did it one time to see what it was all about and i not care for it and don't care how cheap it is...
    Last edited by Gear101; 04-12-2002 at 10:14 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I like the stack. good luck bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    o ya, good stack and home brew fina is very good, no problems there. Mastron will be tuff, and can get same effect really up upping the fina a tad, very similar drugs in terms of effect and I am sure the chemists on board can explain it very similar that way as well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Re: Got a Sec.. take a look at this cut

    Originally posted by Gear101
    week 1-4 30mg dbol ed
    week1-10 100 test prop eod
    week 1-10 80 tren eod
    week1-10 400 EQ ew
    week 5-10 50 winny ed
    week 5-10 200 Masteron ew

    nolv, clomid,ala, milk t, etc.etc.etc.


    WOW!! 10 wks on tren, I don't like that. I would go 8 wks max. I would also drop the dbol if this is a cutting cycle. But, if you wanna keep it....Here's what I'do:
    wks 1-3: 35 mg/ed dbol
    wks 1-10 100 test prop eod
    wks 4-10 80 tren eod
    wks 1-10 400 EQ ew
    wks 5-10 50 winny ed
    wks 5-10 200 Masteron ew
    Just my 2 cents bro. I wouldn't run dbol in a cutting cycle and I wouldn't run tren longer than 8 wks.

  8. #8
    what about the EQ for 10??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i've run fina for 10 weeks with no problems.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    going to drop two bottles of L-Caritine in with this too.. heavy cardo lower cals and carbs...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    Originally posted by Diesel

    EQ for 10 is cool.
    I'd drop the D-Bol and run winny right into Clomid.
    I like the stack although I have to admit I do not know a lot about Masteron.
    I agree with Diesel...but if you are stuck on using the d-bol..i would give the liver a little time between 17aa's..maybe:
    D-bol weeks 1-4
    winny weeks 7-10..or straight into clomid..your pref.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Gear have you ever taken Eq before?
    Cuz I don't understand how any cuts when using Eq....


  13. #13
    only thing i'm worried about with the EQ is the diet thing... hungry anyone

  14. #14
    anyone else?? thanks

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