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  1. #1
    urbanite's Avatar
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    My first injection!

    i started my first steroidal cycle today, kicking it off with 2ml of norma deca , and 10mg of dbol .

    i was nervous sticking myself with a needle, but i didn't even feel it! i put an icecube on the site for about a minute prior too, then of course swabbed it with an alcohol-based sterile pad. i kinda fell in love with the process, actually!

    few problems I had:

    getting the deca into the syringe. i tried to follow the guidance of three online help guides, and i still couldn't do it easily. i pulled back on the plunger (whatever you call it) and the oil didn't seem to go in as easily as i imagined it would. i got a lot of bubbles and that made me nervous. prior to inserting the needle in the vial, i put hot water in a mug and let the vial set inside for a couple minutes. i tried to create a vacuum and the whole bit, and still it was not easy.

    and also i tried to pull back on the plunger once it was in my muscle to check for blood, but it didn't seem to want to pull back. sorta grossed out by the whole thing, i couldn't find the "strength" to pull back hard to check for blood, so I went ahead and injected it (i know you pros are thinking "what an idiot!") ...i would agree, i might have taken an unnecessary risk.

    the third bump in the road, possibly a problem, maybe not, was that it seemed as though pushing the plunger in (injecting deca into muscle) was harder than it should have been. it took about 2 minutes to inject 1.8ml of deca. i didn't want to force it, but it still seemed like it was really hard to do.

    i was using a 23 guage 1 inch needle injecting into theigh. any suggestions?

    i will post pics of gear once my friend comes over with digital camera on tuesday!


    Last edited by urbanite; 05-08-2005 at 04:18 PM.

  2. #2
    LD_18's Avatar
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    welcome to the darkside bro, if u inject the same amout of air into the vial as the amout of deca u want outta it then it will fill up much easier. aspiration, it sounds like u did a good enough job of it, if u r in a veein it doesn't take hardly any pressure to see blood, and it's good to take ur time injecting the fluid into urself but if u want it to b injected faster use a bigger needle.

  3. #3
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LD_18
    welcome to the darkside bro, if u inject the same amout of air into the vial as the amout of deca u want outta it then it will fill up much easier. aspiration, it sounds like u did a good enough job of it, if u r in a veein it doesn't take hardly any pressure to see blood, and it's good to take ur time injecting the fluid into urself but if u want it to b injected faster use a bigger needle.
    thanks for the tip. perhaps a bigger gauge would fix both problems. hope it isn't going to hurt though! (i'm such a pu$$y!)

  4. #4
    LD_18's Avatar
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    nah u'll b fine, if i were u i would use anythin bigger than a 20 ga. although i have use 18 and that is one big a$$ needle haha

  5. #5
    urbanite's Avatar
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    do you know what dianabol is supposed to taste like? i did taste it for a while before swallowing it because someone here said that it is supposed to have a tangy taste. actually, it didn't taste like hardly anything. and it didn't hold its integrity very long, meaning it quickly began to dissolve in my mouth. does this sound like fake dbol ? according to the pics i have seen mine looks like the good stuff.

    this is f'ing frustrating! now i found out that i need to take some test in my cycle.

  6. #6
    GOATNUTS's Avatar
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  7. #7
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    i started my first steroidal cycle today, kicking it off with 2ml of norma deca , and 10mg of dbol .

    i was nervous sticking myself with a needle, but i didn't even feel it! i put an icecube on the site for about a minute prior too, then of course swabbed it with an alcohol-based sterile pad. i kinda fell in love with the process, actually!

    few problems I had:

    getting the deca into the syringe. i tried to follow the guidance of three online help guides, and i still couldn't do it easily. i pulled back on the plunger (whatever you call it) and the oil didn't seem to go in as easily as i imagined it would. i got a lot of bubbles and that made me nervous. prior to inserting the needle in the vial, i put hot water in a mug and let the vial set inside for a couple minutes. i tried to create a vacuum and the whole bit, and still it was not easy.

    and also i tried to pull back on the plunger once it was in my muscle to check for blood, but it didn't seem to want to pull back. sorta grossed out by the whole thing, i couldn't find the "strength" to pull back hard to check for blood, so I went ahead and injected it (i know you pros are thinking "what an idiot!") ...i would agree, i might have taken an unnecessary risk.

    the third bump in the road, possibly a problem, maybe not, was that it seemed as though pushing the plunger in (injecting deca into muscle) was harder than it should have been. it took about 2 minutes to inject 1.8ml of deca. i didn't want to force it, but it still seemed like it was really hard to do.

    i was using a 23 guage 1 inch needle injecting into theigh. any suggestions?

    i will post pics of gear once my friend comes over with digital camera on tuesday!


    BAD CYCLE!!!!!!! hope you don't like sex. what happens if you get progesterone sides, what are you going to do at the end to keep your gains. This cycle is wrong in more ways than one.

  8. #8
    Thegr8One's Avatar
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    welcome to the "dark side" before ya know it you'll be that guy at the gym

  9. #9
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    BAD CYCLE!!!!!!! hope you don't like sex. what happens if you get progesterone sides, what are you going to do at the end to keep your gains. This cycle is wrong in more ways than one.

    well perhaps instead of just criticism you could lend some advice? i'm trying my best here, and I have read numerous times that dbol and deca were good to match together. today i learned in need to have testosterone too, so i am quickly realizing that things aren't as simple as they appear to be at first.

    if anyone could provide a recommended cycle I would greatly appreciate it. i don't have any friends that are "hardcore" gym nuts like myself, so my only resource is the internet.


  10. #10
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    drrop the dbol and deca and run test enan 500mg/week for 12 weeks. PCT two weeks after last injection. This is a good beginner cycle!

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    well perhaps instead of just criticism you could lend some advice? i'm trying my best here, and I have read numerous times that dbol and deca were good to match together. today i learned in need to have testosterone too, so i am quickly realizing that things aren't as simple as they appear to be at first.

    if anyone could provide a recommended cycle I would greatly appreciate it. i don't have any friends that are "hardcore" gym nuts like myself, so my only resource is the internet.

    Add some injectable test

  12. #12
    urbanite's Avatar
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    thanks, to both of you!

    because it is difficult for me to obtain gear, i will go with FrkyBgStok's advice and just use test.

    is testosterone hard or easy to fake? i mean, i am concerned that the deca i bought may not be legit, and i will never know what the hell i just injected into my body. i have heard that deca is real easy to fake and/or that it is the most commonly faked drug out there. is this also true with test? in other words, if I inject some testosterone will there be any indication that it was real? or is it also just a crap shoot?

    at least with recreational drugs you know if they are fake when you don't feel anything!

  13. #13
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    all can be easy to fake if you don't know what you are looking for. post pics of the gear.

  14. #14
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    post pics of the gear.
    will do!

    thanks again

  15. #15
    mrfog's Avatar
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    After what he said about the taste of the dbol and the way it dissolves almost immediately I was curious because mine is like that and I'm sure mine is good (pink hexagon) stuff. Any one else have dbol that does that?

  16. #16
    tempbrit's Avatar
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    Get TEST!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempbrit
    Get TEST!
    that's my goal! i'm gonna try my luck with the same online vendor. $120 for 20ml, so that's a month's supply.

    can anyone tell me how often I should dose, and at what dosage? i would prefer to do every other day, so any plan that fits that would be great!

  18. #18
    clhp20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    BAD CYCLE!!!!!!! hope you don't like sex. what happens if you get progesterone sides, what are you going to do at the end to keep your gains. This cycle is wrong in more ways than one.
    I don't mean to hijack this thread, but Frky perhaps you know what you are talking about, but there has been many threads you have posted in that, well have been as usefull as tits on a bull. Maybe you should offer some sort of alternative. These types of comments are completely useless.

    If gyno sets in, he will ( or now knows) that it came from the deca . He isn't running test with it, so there would be no confusion as to what caused the gyno.
    This place is to give advice aswell as get advice.. You seem to be doing neither....

    Just my 2cc's

  19. #19
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    I don't mean to hijack this thread, but Frky perhaps you know what you are talking about, but there has been many threads you have posted in that, well have been as usefull as tits on a bull. Maybe you should offer some sort of alternative. These types of comments are completely useless.

    If gyno sets in, he will ( or now knows) that it came from the deca . He isn't running test with it, so there would be no confusion as to what caused the gyno.
    This place is to give advice aswell as get advice.. You seem to be doing neither....

    Just my 2cc's
    yes if gyno sets in he knows it wil be from deca, but nolva won't do anything. i am not going to do work for everyone new that is to damn lazy to click on the ****ing search button. i am here to give advice when research is done to help. not to do everything. if that is a problem for than don't read my posts. simple.

    my 2 cc's

  20. #20
    tempbrit's Avatar
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    If you are going to run the Deca , most preach that the Test dosage should exceed the Deca dosage.

    First cycles typically are suggested at 500mgs of Test C or E per week. Two injections per week.

    While you are acquiring your Test, you should also have in mind an Anti-E strategy and PCT. You probably should not be starting a cycle until both of these are in place and you have the necessary gear.

    Good luck buddy.

  21. #21
    SS1476's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    that's my goal! i'm gonna try my luck with the same online vendor. $120 for 20ml, so that's a month's supply.

    can anyone tell me how often I should dose, and at what dosage? i would prefer to do every other day, so any plan that fits that would be great!
    Well..Im doing test only first cycle
    @400mg/wk..TestC,once a week for me.
    If U feel like injecting every other day, use
    a shorter ester test.

    Whatever U decide, I recommend U get enough
    gear for the whole cycle. Dont rely on one bottle at
    a time, otherwise you'll be on here in a month
    running out lol.... Plan ahead for sure..
    I made sure I had 4 10ml for my 12 weeks, extra
    is a good thing...maybe 14wks

  22. #22
    clhp20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    BAD CYCLE!!!!!!! hope you don't like sex. what happens if you get progesterone sides, what are you going to do at the end to keep your gains. This cycle is wrong in more ways than one.

    It appears that the comments you made are more of your worries then his. From what i gather, there was no asking for advice, just in how to get the chems into the syringe easier.

  23. #23
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SS1476

    Whatever U decide, I recommend U get enough
    gear for the whole cycle. Dont rely on one bottle at
    a time, otherwise you'll be on here in a month
    running out lol
    i would, but i need to verify my source is legit (if that is even possible!) thanks for the tips!

  24. #24
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    It appears that the comments you made are more of your worries then his. From what i gather, there was no asking for advice, just in how to get the chems into the syringe easier.
    he did not ask for advice, but his cycle was poor. why would i sit by and help him out when it is wrong. sorry. next time i will let them run a shitty cycle and then be disappointed when things happen they didn't prepare. my bad.

  25. #25
    FrkyBgStok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    i would, but i need to verify my source is legit (if that is even possible!) thanks for the tips!
    PM a mod, if you can. it you can't PM, keep posting until you can, then PM a mod.

  26. #26
    ultimo's Avatar
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    welcome broskie, get some test in ya

  27. #27
    urbanite's Avatar
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    thanks guys, i appreciate your help! being a noob sucks. believe me, i give my share of help to noobies on computer-related forums!

    thanks again

  28. #28
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Stop the Deca now and get yourself some Test, preferebly Enan/Cyp, they both have longer acting esters ehich means less frequent injections. Iv written a cycle I would suggest to a 1st timer such as your self:

    1-12 Test Enan/Cyp 500mg/wk (250mg E3.5 Days)
    1-4 Dbol 25-40mg/ED
    1-12 Nolva 10mg/ED


    14-16 Clomid 100mg/ED
    16-18 Clomid 50mg/ED
    14-18 Nolva 20mg/ED
    14-18 Creatine 5g/ED
    14-18 Tribulas 3-5g/ED

    Also include all your normal supplements during the cycle such as:

    Flax Seed Oil
    1000mg Vit C
    Milk Thistle
    Protein Powders etc...

    Leave the Deca out until your next cycle IMO as adding another compound will only complicate things further.

    Good luck

  29. #29
    bodyguardt is offline New Member
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    I am also very scared to use an injection by myself, I am afraid I will get dizzy. I have this also when i visit a hospital. Maybe i have to sit or to lay down before i do it.

  30. #30
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigswiftos
    Stop the Deca now and get yourself some Test, preferebly Enan/Cyp, they both have longer acting esters ehich means less frequent injections. Iv written a cycle I would suggest to a 1st timer such as your self:

    1-12 Test Enan/Cyp 500mg/wk (250mg E3.5 Days)
    1-4 Dbol 25-40mg/ED
    1-12 Nolva 10mg/ED


    14-16 Clomid 100mg/ED
    16-18 Clomid 50mg/ED
    14-18 Nolva 20mg/ED
    14-18 Creatine 5g/ED
    14-18 Tribulas 3-5g/ED

    Also include all your normal supplements during the cycle such as:

    Flax Seed Oil
    1000mg Vit C
    Milk Thistle
    Protein Powders etc...

    Leave the Deca out until your next cycle IMO as adding another compound will only complicate things further.

    Good luck
    thanks dude, i will take this cycle and follow it to the 't'. this was exactly what I was hoping for. what does PCT mean? also, you didn't state how long to do this for? is there a standard cycle duration that I should already know of? (common knowledge type of thing) if so then I apologize as it is obviously a result of insufficient preliminary research.

    it's that damn little search button -- i can't seem to figure out how to use it.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodyguardt
    I am also very scared to use an injection by myself, I am afraid I will get dizzy. I have this also when i visit a hospital. Maybe i have to sit or to lay down before i do it.
    wow, i can actually give some advice here to a super newbie!

    actually, I am no expert, and I have only injected once so there are plenty of people that could give better advice -- but this is my thread so I can offer my 2 cents!

    i was a little nervous too (actually, my hands were shaking like sh!t for some reason). i can tell you that I didn't even feel any type of pain whatsoever. in fact, the only pain i have felt is a slight soreness in my theigh which started this morning. i am wondering if i am to shoot every other day if it will affect my ability to run (???).

    anyways, use a lot of antiseptic (pads) as i believe it numbs the area quite well. use a sharp (new only) needle. i have read many places to use a new needle after you draw oil from a vial, as puncturing through the rubber dulls the needle. i have a hard time conceiving of this, and from my one time experience i can tell you that I didn't follow those guidelines and again -- i felt no pain. i did put an ice cube on the site for about 2 minutes prior too, although by the time I got the needle filled with oil i think most of the cube's numbing affects wore off. i should note that i used the antiseptic pad twice, once about 5 minutes prior to inj and again right before -- so it had plenty of time to numb the site. the needle went right in, just like a hot knife through butter. i used a low guage (23), so that definitely had something to do with the fact there was no pain.

    anyways, i loved the whole bit! i think once you do it yourself you will overcome your fear -- being in control gives one a great sense of power and confidence. perhaps a poor analogy, but i would never get on the back of a bike with someone -- i would be scared shitless! but i can ride on my own with np!

  32. #32
    urbanite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    thanks dude, i will take this cycle and follow it to the 't'. this was exactly what I was hoping for. what does PCT mean? also, you didn't state how long to do this for? is there a standard cycle duration that I should already know of? (common knowledge type of thing) if so then I apologize as it is obviously a result of insufficient preliminary research.

    it's that damn little search button -- i can't seem to figure out how to use it.
    ok, i think i have answered my own quesiton. the 1-12 means weeks one through twelve? and the PCT means post cycle someting? so weeks 14 through 18 take creatine, for example, as a post cycle recovery thing?

  33. #33
    SS1476's Avatar
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    ahh..learning steps in progress

    Post Cycle Therapy

  34. #34
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by urbanite
    ok, i think i have answered my own quesiton. the 1-12 means weeks one through twelve? and the PCT means post cycle someting? so weeks 14 through 18 take creatine, for example, as a post cycle recovery thing?

    Use that search button and soon you will be able to understand and write out a cycle like that yourself,

    Here is some more useful info:

    Hookers Test Enan Profile:

    Hookers Test Cyp Profile:

    Hookers Clomid Profile:

    Good 1st cycle Info, "RON"

    Clomid FAQ:

    ALL this Info I just found using the search button so your can do the same, all the info is here, above is your proof!

    I knew nothing when I first found AR, then researched for many hours!


  35. #35
    firest0rm is offline New Member
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    in fact, the only pain i have felt is a slight soreness in my theigh which started this morning. i am wondering if i am to shoot every other day if it will affect my ability to run (???).
    I had my first injection on saturday. I actually passed out, happens to me sometimes with injections. Anyway, the needle didn't hurt going in at all. There was a slight pain afterwards which I think was due to my leg twitching and hitting the side of my desk. There has been a dull ache/pain since Saturday but if you touch it it doesn't hurt. I went to the gym today, 2 days later, and did my usual cardo (bike+running) and I had no problems at all so I wouldn't worry about it.

    I too had a problem aspirating but from doing some research on it like the guy above said if you was in a vain it would've come out very easily. I did pull back but couldn't pull anything out so I've been told not to worry about it.

    The cycle the guy recommended is fine, however, the nolvadex @ 10mg a day. I would've said have this at 20mg a day. You may fine most sources nolva comes in 20mg tabs anyway. Also I found with the dbol I have been getting stomach ache and bad indigestion. I've been waiting for my vitpack which came late. Definately make sure you have a good source of B6. Steroid .com recommends 200mg a day. The closest tab I seen to this dose is on called ISS Vitpack or something by ISS anyway and that's at 100mg.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    why would i sit by and help him out when it is wrong.
    Because that is what this board is for. If he is running or wanting to run a "bad cycle", the least you could do is explain why you think it is. All you did was come on here and tell him that it was wrong, but not why ! If you want to be an advice giver, then give the advice, unfortunately you couldn't do that. As you so eloquently stated:

    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    BAD CYCLE!!!!!!! hope you don't like sex. what happens if you get progesterone sides, what are you going to do at the end to keep your gains. This cycle is wrong in more ways than one."
    If you want ppl to learn then give them the advice they are asking for, explain why that is,whether it be from experience or from fact, such as studies, quotes from a reputable source.

    Quote Originally Posted by FrkyBgStok
    PM a mod, if you can. it you can't PM, keep posting until you can, then PM a mod.
    . He already has a source. How do you think that he has already started his cycle?

    You can't even figure out your own cycle, let alone someone else's. Stick to what you know, and from what i can see, isn't much...

  37. #37
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    thanks guys. i don't want to come off as a guy too lazy to do research -- I read around two computer books a month, and would be more than willing to read up on roids. i read arnold's encyclopedia twice, only skipping the first chapter on the history of bb. if anyone has a recommendation for a good roid book please share! i'll get it right away, and not post until i've read it from cover to cover! obviously, it is just really convenient to post your questions rather than exerting research efforts (to me, that is the best thing a forum is for!) there's usually someone always willing to help out a newbie, which I have definitely found here -- so thanks guys!


    don't worry about it bro, he has been very helpful subsequent to his original post.


    thanks, i will check out those links now...

    I'm learning guys! thanks for your patience...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by firest0rm
    I had my first injection on saturday. I actually passed out, happens to me sometimes with injections.
    damn bro, you actually passed out? was the needle still in you when you did!? if so, you may want to have a 3rd party present next time. i can't extend any advice other than the obvious, so just be careful bro!

    thanks for sharing, and the tips! i decided until i secure a good source i'm not taking anything. i now have a grocery list of gear, and until i get enough for a complete cycle, i'm staying off the juice. i'm already depressed that I got a vial of decca in me and am probably losing test by the second. i'm gonna see tonight how "limp" i am as a result. good thing I don't currently have a girl. that's f*cking embarassing dude! ...i can't even imagine...

    I just don't understand, I thought all roids were supposed to INCREASE test? how the f*ck am I supposed to gain if I got the test of a 5 year old girl? much reading is required, no doubt.

    BTW, if there is a mod out there reading this, and you are willing to do a source check for me, please let me know. I am not the type to start PM'ing people I don't know. i'll pay for a source check (paypal), that's no prob! time is money and so is valuable information.

  39. #39
    topvega's Avatar
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    Back from the dead.....
    yeah it's a good idea to have all your gear and pct materials B4 u start....almost all cycles have test as a base because your natural test is shut down while using gear..
    that's what pct is for... to help get your nuts producing natural test as fast as possible after your cycle...that's y it is so important to do pct...

  40. #40
    urbanite's Avatar
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    I read those links ...damn what a great read! someone should collect those articles and put them into a combined "welcome kit" for board members, with instructions on not to post until they at least skim through them! i feel like such a douche for asking some basic sh!t that could have been answered by those articles!

    Where can I find the Underground Steroid Handbook?

    also, i did not question the cycle you posted at first, as I accepted my ignorance and was taking it on blind faith: but now that I know a little bit more, what is the Tribulas and flax seed oil for? also, why would I take Clomid if i am taking the better nolvadex ? best of both worlds?

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