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  1. #1
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002

    Preworkout dextrose

    Curious to see what you guys all do preworkous (with respects to taking dextrose or something else similiar prior to lifting-- not anything else obscene you might do...). I will prob. also place this post on the the nutrition board (or whatever its called), but wanted to get some feedback from my peeps over here. I understand if you are taking creatine, it might be smart to mix it with dextrose 10-15 minutes before going to the gym, but if not taking creatine, do you still use dextrose before going to the gym. I just got some dextrose to use postworkout (instead of the grape juice I had been using for the last 5 years), but not sure if I should take some before going to the gym... I usually just have a glass of grape juice before going with my glutamine, but not sure if it is a waste... Anyway, I don't really think it is too consequential either way in the scheme of things, but just curious/paranoid by nature. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    dextrose causes an insulin spike. insulin shuttles macros from the blood into the muscles.

    during a workout your body needs to breakdown macros in the blood for atp (energy).

    if you have too much insulin you're going to go into storage mode instead of breakdown mode. this will compromise the rate of atp generation, thus compromising maximum energy output.

    save the dextrose for post workouts.

  3. #3
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2002
    Thanks Dr. E-- glad to see you back and hope you are feeling well (I am still rather new to the board, but had enjoyed reading over a shitload of your past posts). Does your advise also mean that you wouldn't take grapejuice or anything else alike preworkout? Also, when taking creatine preworkout, you mix it with anything? Anyway, thanks bro.

  4. #4
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    So what would you say would work best as a preworkout drink or meal?

  5. #5
    NightOp is offline Member
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    i too would like to know... i've always been told that dextrose should be taken with creatine an hour to 45 mins pre workout and the same immedietly after... that's what im doing now with great results..

    but if doc is right (which i bet he is, unless this is part of his evil plan for world domination ).. what should we be taking preworkout?

  6. #6
    steel10 is offline Junior Member
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  7. #7
    Iwan2bsolid2's Avatar
    Iwan2bsolid2 is offline Senior Member
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    I would eat some low GI complex carbs with your preworkout meal. I usually eat some oatmeal with just a little bit of protein. Protein and fat take longest to digest so eating a meal rich in these nutrients would not be wise preworkout. Carbs are first to digest so eating these make sense. You don't want to be wieghed down during your workout and you want blood free to pump into your muscles not in your stomach digesting food. I usually wait 1hr to 1.5hrs after this meal till I hit the gym. A lite meal of fruit, fruit juice or toast will give you energy without slowing you down.


  8. #8
    block is offline Associate Member
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    I like to eat a can of peaches in pear juice right before I go to the gym then I drink a riped protien?????? while I work out aloung with a quart of water after I am done I eat a bannana and drive home drink a glass of juice with glut and cret in it and take all of my vitamins witch is zma a multi pack of vits and dhea them wait till I am hungry because I cant eat after I work out or I barf then cram down leftovers from dinner or soup and protien then sit on my ass in the shower O yea I flex in the mire first and look at my dick I do this 6 days a week and take sun off also I sleep a lot. and that helps. isint that nice to know my routien.

  9. #9
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    creatine with some dextrose about 1-2 hours preworkout would be fine. this would give your blood enough time to clear the insulin . just don't drink or eat anything too sugary within 30 minutes of your workout.

  10. #10
    NightOp is offline Member
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    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by Dr.Evil
    creatine with some dextrose about 1-2 hours preworkout would be fine. this would give your blood enough time to clear the insulin. just don't drink or eat anything too sugary within 30 minutes of your workout.
    okay, thnx

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