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Thread: Clomid and\or nolvadex???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east

    Clomid and\or nolvadex???

    Whats up guys this is Pete again.. First of all I'd like to thank everyone who has given me feedback on the questins that I have been asking. You guys have been a huge help in gathering information about my first cycle. I have decided on taking Sust 250 14 amps for 8 weeks. I am a little confused about what else I need when I take this. I've heard to take clomid and / or nolvadex to prevent gyno from starting. Could someone please explain what this is and what I need to take in order to minimize my possible side effects while coming off of this cycle?
    Thank you
    Pete...PS you guys have been a huge help.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not a steroid genius by any means but from what I've learnt in here is that clomid is a MUST with every cycle. Clomid gets your testosterone back up to normal after you end your cycle. Wait about 3 weeks after your last shot before you start taking the clomid then keep taking it for 20 days. 30 tabs should be enough taking 2 tabs/day for the first 10 days then 1 tab/day for the last 10. Some people recomend taking 4 tabs the first day just to jumpstart the process. That's what I did. It will also help you keep most of your gains. As for the nolvadex, I found opinions have differed here. Some people say take it as part of your cycle and other say only start taking it when you feel your nipples getting a little sore. Nolva is for the bitch tits prevention.....stops aromatization!
    Why don't you add some D-Bol for the first 4 weeks of your cycle at about 35mg/day. You'll see some good results, well I did.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    sure peter.. there are a lot of threads on this and some info in the educational threads which im sure you would benefit from reading.

    You are introducing foreign testosterone into your body, some will aromatize (convert) into estrogen and can cause gyno and the bloat/water weight. Nolvadex blocks estrogen from binding to the receptor site (at the breast tissue) hence preventing gyno (if dosed properly) but does not prevent the test from converting to estrogen. Arimidex and Liquidex are better solutions because they prevent the test from converting in the first place. Most people run a low dose EOD depending on their cycle. You can use the nolva inconjunction with the arimidex or liquidex and up the arimidex liquidex dose if gyno symptoms start showing up.

    The common nolva dose for gyno symptoms is 40mg ED and then 20mg until end of cycle (not post cycle) once the symptoms recide. A common arimidex/liquidex dose is 1/4mg ED or 1/2mg EOD.... and can also be continued thru post cycle.

    ina nutshell clomid is used post cycle to get your own natural test production back up. Clomid is generally run something like
    300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-10, 50mg day 11-20.

    All of this depends on your actual cycle, and since I have no cycle experience, another member might be able to better help you specifically, but what i just said is the gist of it in essence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    one more thing, 14 weeks is way too long for a cycle. keep it under 10 if you want faster recovery of your endocrine system. a 14 week cycle may do some permanent damage to you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    are you ready for a cycle? it doesnt sound like you know very much about a.s and what youll be putting into your body or what you need. just my 2 cents brotha

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    north east
    im not going to do a 14 week cycle im only doing an 8 week. One shot the first and last week and two shots each week in between....
    Thanks guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    shit, i'm getting over pneumonia and still can't read all that well. sorry

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