ok guys, i was pretty set about the following first cycle until my parents booked a cruise, and its cutting into my cycle by 3 weeks (i dont wanna wait until after cruise to start).
wk 1-13: test eth 500mg/wk
wk 1-12: eq 400mg/wk
I was going to diet and train accordingly to obtain keepable lean muscle mass; goal is 10-15lbs max. i havent put out my order yet, but is this cycle salvagable for an 8, 9 week period. if so, would front loading as follows be sufficient or should i start from scratch (in which case i need suggestions). Thanks.
wk 1-2 eq 800mg/wk
wk 3-8 eq 500mg/wk
wk 1-9 test eth 500mg/wk