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Thread: reload with dianabol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    reload with dianabol

    first sorry my english is not the best ,i'm french.
    what are you thinking about 4 days carb depletion and reload 3 days with dianabol and carbs ( it's for a competition)
    is creatine better ?
    i heard that dianabol inrease the salt in the body that's the reason for the water retention? it 's true ?
    thanks for your councils

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I couldn't understand much of what you said. Try and be more specific. Creatine better than dianabol? Creatine isn't even a steroid. Increases salt? Never heard that, infact the body cant even produce salt. For a competition diet stragegy, i would suggest asking in the nutrition section and dianabol will cause water retention, so its not ideal to use before a competition. Tren and winstrol is more ideal, give you more defined, leaner muscles. Regards.

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