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Thread: sus 250 and deca - OR - sus 250 and winstrol stack ?

  1. #1

    sus 250 and deca - OR - sus 250 and winstrol stack ?

    I am going to take my first cycle, looking to gain a lot of mass.

    assuming the steroids are all real and work properly - would i notice much difference if i took sus and deca, compared with sus and winstrol ?

    if i took all 3 - sus/deca/winstrol would this give me better , harder more quality than just taking sus/deca ?

    i know you guys will probably say, just take test on its own, for a first time cycle, but i'd just like to know your opinions on sus/deca or sus/winstrol or sus/deca/winstrol

    and if possible the reasons for your choices ^^ im probably going to go with sus/deca/winstrol on the theory that more is better, and since each steroid has its own unique properties i will get a better result overall. sus =mass, deca=all rounder, winstrol= quality,hardness

    Last edited by mr-newbie; 05-10-2005 at 05:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Well you're right I'm going to say test only. But if I were running what you opted for I'd go test/deca and drop the winny out of everything. But I think winny is worthless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    all 3 are good cycles..It all comes down to what exactly your lookin for in a cycle....research each one, many have done very similar if not the same cycles..i did sus and winny before, and loved it...but winny dried me up a little. You dont want to do too much in your first cycle...your receptors are in great condition, you dont want to set the standard so high for you body the first can slowly progress and make the most out of your cycles and save money.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    Well you're right I'm going to say test only. But if I were running what you opted for I'd go test/deca and drop the winny out of everything. But I think winny is worthless.
    why do u think winny is worthless?

  5. #5
    i have searched the boards a lot and most of the long timers here seem to really dislike winstrol . why is that ? i thought it has less side effects than others.

    the higher cost does not bother me and i thought winstrol was one of the best for quality gains, and adding real muscle rather than just bloated water retention.

    also if its so bad, why does everyone always go on about ben johnson using winstrol to win the olympics, - and he looked amazing, so winstrol cant be that bad ??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    test week 1-10
    deca week 1-6
    winstrol week 7-10

    pct week 12

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by themanc84
    why do u think winny is worthless?
    short version: ever since I heard of aas all I heard was how great winny was, the great things it did for you. I held off trying it for awhile while I used test and some others but eventually got around to running it a few times. The only thing winny did for me was make my joints ache. The results I got were not worth my time, money, liver stress (even if it's minimal), and pain from the injections (which I found to be equally as worthless as taking it orally). I saw no benefit from winny, so I'll never run it again. Some people really like it, I can't say why for sure but they do. It's all personal preference.

    also if its so bad, why does everyone always go on about ben johnson using winstrol to win the olympics,
    There are no aas that make you fast. I can bet that winny didn't have much to do with him winning.
    Last edited by symatech; 05-10-2005 at 05:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Quote Originally Posted by English Power Lifter
    test week 1-10
    deca week 1-6
    winstrol week 7-10

    pct week 12
    Dont listen to this guy, it is a very poorly constructed cycle. A better way would be

    Test e 1-12
    Deca 1-11
    Winny 9-14

    PCT would begin the day after your last winny, which should also be two weeks after last shot of test e.

    You should really do test only. The reason being is that if you take more than one compound and you get some sides, how will you know what is causing it? That's why its recommended to take only test your first time and see how you react. There's plenty of time to grow and do it right.

    Winny kills your cholesterol values too!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    SOuthern Cali
    you forgot to add the nolva in the cycle at about 30mg a day.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814

    You should really do test only. The reason being is that if you take more than one compound and you get some sides, how will you know what is causing it? That's why its recommended to take only test your first time and see how you react. There's plenty of time to grow and do it right.
    i would not be taking high dosage - sus - 250 or 500 a week, deca 200 or 400 a week , since its my first time.

    there should not be any side effects with such low levels , right ??

    also, when you guys say test. does that include sustanon ? since it is just mix of 4 test types ?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    sides can occur at any dose. Sust is test, but to get best results you have to shoot it every other day, due to short acting prop ester thats in it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    SOuthern Cali
    or you can use the sus 2wice a week and buy a bottle of test prop to eod to add with the sus

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