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  1. #1
    Big Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Please Read Immediately--serious Side Effect

    Me & my friend started our second cycle two weeks ago. We're on Organon Sust (750/wk) & Norma deca (400/wk) right now.

    He just called me @ 3:00 (4/12) and said he checked himself into the hospital. He said he was eating breakfast when suddenly his heart rate went out of control. He didn't faint, but he said he could control his body. He said he's been shaking all day and he feels like his heart rate is at 180.

    Could this be from the roids? I have never heard of this as a side effect, and I'm on the same cycle and I've been fine.

    Please give any comments or advice for him right now. (he's in the hospital right now)


    Big Juice

  2. #2
    Gillis Khan's Avatar
    Gillis Khan is offline New Member
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    Ive never done a cycle but I checked myself in for similiar symptoms before, thought I was having a heart attack, ended up just being a major panic attact, Paxil fixed that for me. I hope thats all it is for your buddy.

  3. #3
    Methuselah's Avatar
    Methuselah is offline Member
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    My heart raced a couple of times. It wasn't as bad as what you're describing but I was very concerned.

  4. #4
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    J<M<0 doesn't arimidex control BP if it does get some

  5. #5
    Big Juice is offline Junior Member
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    We're on Arimidex .5mg per day

  6. #6
    Iron horse's Avatar
    Iron horse is offline Anabolic Member
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    Doofy has a cure for every side effect known to man!!

    Doofy, start your cycle eariler!! i cant wait, seriously.

    About the heart thing, i think it probably was a panic attack also.

  7. #7
    Dr.Evil's Avatar
    Dr.Evil is offline Retired Moderator
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    did he inject into a vein?

  8. #8
    TNT's Avatar
    TNT is offline Retired Moderator
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    Cool My best advice is comin' up...

    And my advice is . . .


    I know that this is not a cool time to joke, bro, but right now your buddy is exactly where he should be. So disregard any medical advice you see here (especially D00fy's comment* about using Arimidex to treat a B/P problem) and leave it to the doctors.

    This is not the time to rely on our opinions, it's the time to rely on EKG's, blood pressure cuffs (alright, sphygmomanometers - there, I said it), and accurate lab work, combined with a good dose of oxygen and hopefully a good looking nurse or doctor.

    It's also the time for him to be up front about what may have caused the problem.

    Now, chances are that it is not impure gear, if you guys are doing the same stuff (since you're on the same cycle) - same sources, same manufacturing lots, etc.

    There could be any number of reasons that he had this reaction, including an underlying medical condition of which you (or even he) might not be aware. Yes, a panic or very heavy-duty anxiety attack is a possibility, but you have to rule out the physical causes first.

    Right now - and I know this is hard to conceive - things are tougher for you than they are for him. Because you're the one who is sitting back and worrying about him, and there's no doctor or nurse attending to you. (It's like when someone is in the hospital or has surgery - they're getting the best of care, but their family members are not.)

    Keep us informed, and know that our thoughts are with both of you.

    * D00fy, you've come a long way in your knwoledge, bro. But when it comes to medical problems, the next step is knowing what advice not not to give. Clint Eastwood put it best: "A man's got to know his limitations."

  9. #9
    BE_STRONG is offline Senior Member
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    that is very strange!

  10. #10
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Listen to what TNT has said.......

  11. #11
    ironmaster's Avatar
    ironmaster is offline Associate Member
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    My business partner ignored several BP attacks like this. He had a stroke one evening and was not found until morning. By then, he had so much brain damage, that he spent the rest of his days in a nursing home. He was in his early 40's.
    Steroids effect some people this way.......see a Doc.

  12. #12
    bigreb is offline Associate Member
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    Iwas just about to say exactly, verbatim, what TNT said. So, thanks TNT, and good luck to your bro!

  13. #13
    TOM2502002 is offline Junior Member
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    bro, something this serious is past the point of the board. talk to a DR. I have done alot of gear and that has never happened to me. For me, A.S. does increase my anxiety levels a little bit..

  14. #14
    Big Juice is offline Junior Member
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    O.K. He just called me and said his heart values were extremely elevated. One in particular (CKL or something) was at 735 where the normal level is 35-100. The doctor told him his muscle rebuilding process was extremely high (due to the juice) and he could run the possibility of sudden death. The doc said people react different to these high heart levels and obviously he reacted badly to them.

    Also, his blood pressure, liver values, etc. were all fine. Just his heart values were extremly elevated.

    I know this is too vague but I can't get a hold of him right now, as soon as I do I'll post the exact heart levels and test results

    -Big Juice

  15. #15
    Big Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the reply's guys, I'm just as puzzled as you are.

    I'd just like to clear a few things up:
    This is our second cycle and all our gear is legite. We're on human grade stuff this cycle (Organon amps and Hella/Norma 2ml bottles)

    I inject him and I did not shoot into a vein.

    My friend does not do drugs or anything else which might have caused this.

    It wasn't elevated blood pressure which caused this (according to the blood results)

    --I'll post the actual results and doctors analysis as soon as I get a hold of him

    Thank You all,

    -Big Juice

  16. #16
    ollie is offline New Member
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    That ckl is cpk's these are released when there is muscle damage (even heart damage). The more muscle damage the higher the cpk. They also draw a troponin and myoglobin. If he had a heart attack or anything of the like the tropinin would be elevated. People who bodybuild can and will get elevated cpk's ive seen them in the tens of thousands. I do agrees with tnt, he is in the right place. They will hook him up to a monitor and figure out what happened. Hopefully it was just anxiety. I highly doubt it was the injection.

  17. #17
    G-S Guest
    Ollie has spoken. People should listen.

  18. #18
    Shredder's Avatar
    Shredder is offline Associate Member
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    Since the heart is also a muscle Androgens can stimulate it. Especially if its his firstcycle. I used to get those episodes before when I was on sustonon Redijects 500mg a week and I couldnt sleep and get some Shortness of breath. Felt like my heart was gonna bust out of my chest. I had to actually sleep w/ my head elevated to 70 degrees. I fixed the problem by poppin KAVA KAVA herbs when I feel my heart rate acting up and 15 minutes later it goes back to normal. There has also been studies that long term uses can actually kill heart muscles due to overstimulation. REally listen to your body. And never ignore side effects.. thinking they will jus go away. They will comeback harder and it might be too late. I hope your friend gets better.
    Last edited by Shredder; 04-13-2002 at 01:57 AM.

  19. #19
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    As a panic & anxiety attack sufferer, I'm more nervous than ever in doing a cycle. I'm begininng to wonder if this is a really bad idea for me.

    I'm glad your friend is okay.

  20. #20
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    As TNT said he,s in the best place don't fuck around when it comes to things like that,no matter how good the advice is that is offered on here remember that it is only advice and does not represent a medical opinon.

    Hope all is well

    Canes relax bro if and when you do it you will have a wealth of knowledge to fall back on,you have to be 100% its what you want to do but your a wise guy and won,t do anything stupid

  21. #21
    Gear101's Avatar
    Gear101 is offline Member
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    well the guy did the right thing in going to the doctor.. just make sure he tells the doc everything.. hope he gets better

  22. #22
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by Billy Boy
    Canes relax bro if and when you do it you will have a wealth of knowledge to fall back on,you have to be 100% its what you want to do but your a wise guy and won,t do anything stupid
    Thanks Billy Boy, I know I will have you guys to rely on for help and encouragement. For that I am most greatful

  23. #23
    androplex is offline Donating Member
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    Dont give up your dream bro,

  24. #24
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    Originally posted by androplex

    Dont give up your dream bro,
    I won't bro, dreams are important, and I have a new partner to look forward to living with soon. He and I will keep each other motivated.

    Andro thanks for being a friend

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