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  1. #1
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    Converting mg to cc

    This might seem like a stupid question. I tried the search and educational threads and could not find an answer. I'm planning on jucing soon. If they tell me to take 400mg a week of deca , how many cc is that in the needle? How do you covert mg to cc?

    I love this site hope you guys can help. Thanks

  2. #2
    D00fy's Avatar
    D00fy is offline Anabolic Member
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    depends what juice u have if its 200mg/ml than its 1ml =1cc

    since your doing 400mg/2ml than its 2ml/2cc

  3. #3
    jbrand's Avatar
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    Re: Converting mg to cc

    Originally posted by Dyno58
    This might seem like a stupid question. I tried the search and educational threads and could not find an answer. I'm planning on jucing soon. If they tell me to take 400mg a week of deca , how many cc is that in the needle? How do you covert mg to cc?

    I love this site hope you guys can help. Thanks
    you're going to have to read the bottle on this issue, as potency varies with the drug.

  4. #4
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    It's not really the mg's your converting to cc's, it's the ml's

    Like jbrand said, you have to check the bottle. 1ml = 1cc

    But, the 1ml depends on how much deca is in it.


    Deca 100mg/ml = 100mg/cc

    So, taking 400mg of Deca for example, if it's 100mg/ml, which it usually is, means your taking a 4cc's total. Split that up into 2 times a week.

  5. #5
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    I'm sorry. If I have deca 200 and they tell me to take 400mg a week how many cc is that per shot? Sorry for not including that info. Thanks.

  6. #6
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    1cc=1ml so look at the mg/ml and do the math. Its a lot easier than it looks

  7. #7
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    2cc's bro but make sure you got all your shit down before you shoot.

  8. #8
    G Child's Avatar
    G Child is offline Anabolic Member
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Understand what you're doing before you do it.

  9. #9
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    I've been researching this for a while now. Converting cc was just a last minute brain fart. You see my friend owed me some $$$ instead he gave me Deca 200mg, ganabol 50mg, and winstrol z 50mg. I know the stuff is good because i know the source. Anyways they told me I should stack the Deca and the ganabol together 400mg of deca and 300mg of ganabol a week for the first 3 weeks. Then on the fourth week to start on the winni 50mg twice a week. He is going to get me HCG so when I get off the cycle. How does this all sound? Can I inject the deca and the ganabol at the same time? Any advice would be helpful. Also I have been working out for almost 6 years. I really want to get bigger and stronger. I'm 6'3" 275lbs not all lean muscle.

  10. #10
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    bro, ganabol 50 and winstrol z????? First, Ganabol 50 (or equipoise as I believe we like to call it) is weak. An effective dose is around 400mg/wk. That's 8cc's per wk of that stuff, or 6cc's per week as you're planning on taking it. Second, I hope your bottle says winstrol "V" and not "Z." Third, there is an issue of receptor competition with that cycle that we will not get into right now, but some would argue that deca and eq make for a bad stack. Fourth, WHERE"S THE TEST??? nuff said Fifth, Winny at 50mg twice a wk is not gonna do shit. That's right, I don't care if you are the ultimate newbie, that's a low low dose. More research b4 starting..........

  11. #11
    jbrand's Avatar
    jbrand is offline Member
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    ccs, mgs, mls, ius. it's all just in your head, if you want to count something take a stopwatch and see how long it takes to unload a full syringe of oil into your ass

    disclaimer: do not take this seriously. please.

  12. #12
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    So what do you guys recomend? I already have the stuff I really don't want to sell. What do you guys think I should do with what I got? Thanks

  13. #13
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Sixth, as I finish my tyrade, HCG is not sufficent for post cycle, you need clomid and you would need anti e's but both not for deca or eq really, although it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some nolva. Seventh, never start a cycle w/o EVERYTHING in hand, including clomid and hcg.

  14. #14
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Dyno58
    I'm sorry. If I have deca 200 and they tell me to take 400mg a week how many cc is that per shot? Sorry for not including that info. Thanks.
    that would equal 2cc's

  15. #15
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    You can take what you have, but throw in some test, get some clomid and some nolva and goto because you will probably need to learn how to shoot in a few different muscles. Relax though bro, you don't need to get rid of anything, you need more.

  16. #16
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    I can get the clomid and the test. How shold I separate the deca , eq, and test and how many mg per week?

  17. #17
    RON's Avatar
    RON is offline Anabolic Member
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    You should look up Juice Junkies thread on deca and eq. Maybe mix the 2 in lower doses and ad test. I have never tried this but he mades a valid point and I might try it myself this winter when Im bulking again. Plus with Ganabol you need to inject so much oil to get the proper dose. Just remember like JP said get nolva and clomid not HCG

  18. #18
    JP1570's Avatar
    JP1570 is offline Senior Member
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    Well, Like I said, there is the issue of receptor competition btwn the eq and the deca . I'm not that familiar with the science behind it, so I wil simply say that I wouldn't run them together. Others claim to have great effects from doing so though. I would run the deca at 400mg/wk for ten wks and the test 500mg/wk for ten wks. I'd try to trade back the eq50's for some test and either get enough winny to take 50mg ed for 6wks or 50mgeod (bare minimum) for 6 wks or ditch it all together. Get clomid, in the nieighborhood of 30 or 35 50mg tabs and plenty of nolva just in case. run the winny wks 7-12. Another option would be to try to trade back the winny and get some dbols to run for the first 4wks at 35mg ed. Sounds like you're more concerned with lean mass though so you should be fine with the winny. Good luck bro and feel free to ask anymore questions.

  19. #19
    RON's Avatar
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    Before you do anything makes sure you do some more research. No offense but Its very important to know all you can.

  20. #20
    Dyno58 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the help and suggestions. I will do a little more research before I start. Thanks again.

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