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  1. #1
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Question Winstrol and Ara-test (Test Prop)

    Ok guys, here is how my first cycle is shaping out:

    Week 1-12: Ara-test (test prop) Monday and Thursday @ 400mg. each injection
    Week 9-14: Add Winstrol Depot everyday @ ??mg.
    Week 15-17: Clomid Therapy
    Week 1: 300,100,100,100,100,100,100
    Week 2: 100,100,100,100,100,100,100
    Week 3: 50,50,50,50,50,50,50

    Week 1-17: Nolvadex everyday @ 20 mg (unless I can get liquidex or letro, in which case I may add them or substitute them. I'll run which ever will best keep my water down and reject gyno.)

    I'm also thinking about running clen or something during my PCT.

    My obvious hole here is with the Winstrol Inection. How much should I inject? Also, I assumed that Test Prop. was ran the same as test e/c, but Im probably wrong. How much ara-test should I inject each time considering I am doing twice per week? Any critiquing, suggestions or input in general will be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    no you should run the prop ed!eod at the very least but ed for optimum results,twice a week is no good.prop is avery short actin test to keep the blood levels even ed jabs!with the prop the active life is 3 days so you start the pct 3 days after last shot,i would run the cycle like this.
    1-12 100mg prop ed
    7-12 and 3 days(to line up with the prop for pct)
    3 days after last shot of prop start pct.

  3. #3
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    sh*t didnt notice the 1st course bit,i would change the prop for test e for a 1st course 500mg per week split into two shots,unless you can handle the ed shots,and change the 100mg ed to 75 ed seein as its the 1st course.

  4. #4
    fanatic's Avatar
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    I get ya. All of my research had been for test e/c so I wasn't for sure. Also, my source said that Ara-test was a blend of test e and test p or something like that- is that true? I'm not gonna start anything until I am for sure what I have.

  5. #5
    Booz's Avatar
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    wether its a blend or not you still have to take it eod at least because of the short actin ester of the prop mate,aratest has 200mg test e and 50mg prop per ml.

  6. #6
    fanatic's Avatar
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    so if I ran 75mg of aratest everyotherday, how much test e would that be per week? How much winstrol should I do? My brain is overwhelmed right and I can't think. lol Also, is everyotherday sufficient for a first-timer? I know gyno is caused by test-level-flutuation in your blood, so I want to avoid that. I wonder why they told me twice per week?

  7. #7
    Booz's Avatar
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    you got told twice a week because you can take the test e twice per week but it also has prop in it,that would be 450mg test e and around 112.5 mg prop,i would run the winny ed but the jabs can be run eod with the test.

  8. #8
    fanatic's Avatar
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    So you're thinking somethin along these lines?

    Week 1-12: Ara-test (test prop) every-other-day @ 75mg.
    Week 7-12 (and 3 days): Add Winstrol Depot everyday @ ??mg.
    Week 12 (and 3 days)-14: Clomid Therapy
    Week 1: 300,100,100,100,100,100,100
    Week 2: 100,100,100,100,100,100,100
    Week 3: 50,50,50,50,50,50,50

    Week 1-14: Nolvadex everyday @ 20 mg (unless I can get liquidex or letro, in which case I may add them or substitute them. I'll run which ever will best keep my water down and reject gyno.)

    Do you think, as far as gyno goes, oed is better than ed for the aratest?
    Also, how much winstrol should i inject?

  9. #9
    Booz's Avatar
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    1st time should think 50mg winny would do,eod with the test,other people may have differin opinions about takin the test but because it has the prop in it thats how i would take it,i could be wrong if i am im sure sombod will pipe up.

  10. #10
    fanatic's Avatar
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    Cool. Thanks alot man! I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. Any and all info will be taken in with open arms.

  11. #11
    fanatic's Avatar
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    bump. any other critiquing?

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