as you know its be stressed enough my cycle is test/eq/dbol
1-10 400mg test
1-10 400mg eq
1-4 25mg dbol
Heres the problem,Protein intake i want to aim for atleast 350protein a day or more but PROTEIN COST ALOT OF MONEY ,i need ideas for money saving ideas for Protein sources Heres a few i can think of that is money saving
Tuna=Cheap but eating 5cans a day can get nasty after a week
Milk=Cheap also,1-2liters a day ,fat free milk
Lean Burger Patties = Cheaper than stack,4patties a pack,but $$ will run up depending on how many patties a day,hopefully 2patties a day (40gram protein about)
Eggs =24eggs Like 2$,so im aiming for 12-18 eggs a day,4whole eggs ,rest are whites
Natural PB= 2-4 TBSP a day for its good protein and EFA
Chicken Breast= Kinda pricey,so 1breast a day with someother protein
Steak=Pricey but will aim for atleast 2-3steaks a week
Protein Powder = Cost Effective 3 (5lb optimum Whey Protein) will use 2servings a day for post workout
Fast Food= maybe 2-3 times week but no french fries and crap like that McDonalds dollar menu(McChicken Sandwich No Mayo,Plain Hamburger)
Chinese food Buffet= maybe once a week $5.95 all you can eat,just chow down on the teriyaki chicken and veggies,brown rice
AS FOR CARBS 250-300 from oatmeal,wholewheatbread,brown rice,sweet potatoe,banana postwork.....
If im missing something please add to my PROTEIN MONEY SAVING LIST,i really appreciate it