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Thread: Can I shoot the eq EOD with my sustanon

  1. #1

    Can I shoot the eq EOD with my sustanon

    I am going to take my sustanon eod. I want to take about 400 eq a week, but it I do it every 3.5 days I would still have to inject 4 x per week even though with the sustanon eod would mean 3 days one week, and 4 the next. So I thought since I am injecting EOD anyways, cant I just take about .6 cc's of EQ eod, which would end up being 480 mgs in one week and 360 next week, which nets out to be 420 a week,
    I am going to take .75 sustanon EOD, which nets out to 640 mg a week.

    ANy suggestion,
    I never realized how hard it would be to plan a cycle with sustanon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    yes you can shoot eq eod. just frt load 400mg

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This is jmo, I inject my sust. everyday and have getting betters results (I wish I was post 500)

  4. #4
    THanks my friend,
    I have already frontloaded the eq 400 1 week ago and 400 2 days ago, I think thats all I am going to frontload.
    I took first sustanon amp yesterday with 30 mg d bol.
    DO you think that 10mg novadex ed is enough for this cycle.
    and do you think doing just .6 eod of the EQ will be enough, although it does net to 420, but one week is 480 and the next 360.
    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Nolva 10mg/ED is sufficient, bump it to 60-80mg/ED is signs of gyno

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