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Thread: var only cycle layout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    var only cycle layout

    can anyone whos taken this ...give me their cycle ..pct clomid nolv.....and during tribulus...l dex?? and how long 6-8 weeks?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    no need to run anti-e's during cycle. but u should def. do clomid for pct.
    i'd say run at least 50mg/day for roughly 6-8 weeks. i ran 60mg/day for 6 weeks and i had to cut it short cause i got sick, but it was worth it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Their Is A Var Only Diary On Here Somewhere. Search For It. It Was Written Pretty Well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    8 weeks 75mg var, 5g trib ed, 2 weeks of clomid at 50mg ED. Also used IGF first 4 weeks at 60mcg ED

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    8 weeks 75mg var, 5g trib ed, 2 weeks of clomid at 50mg ED. Also used IGF first 4 weeks at 60mcg ED
    Did you use the tribulus during the cycle, or after as part of the PCT?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    WAY TOO HIGH of a dosage. The average anavar dose for a MAN is 25mgs. I have used up to 40mgs and have never had to go higher. What is your cyclimg/weight training exerience?

    I would simply run 40mgs ed for 8weeks. PCT clomid and Tribex.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMindOfRoss
    WAY TOO HIGH of a dosage. The average anavar dose for a MAN is 25mgs. I have used up to 40mgs and have never had to go higher. What is your cyclimg/weight training exerience?

    I would simply run 40mgs ed for 8weeks. PCT clomid and Tribex.
    I have never ran var at a dose lower than 50mgs per day. 25mg per day IMHO is just a waste of good gear. If you cannot afford to run higher doses then don't bother with var in the first place.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    Var 75mg ED Many people vary from 40mg and above. Persoanlly anything less then 50mg is a waste to me... unless your a girl!!
    Tribulus 4g ED
    Avina Sativa 3g ED
    Milk thirstle .5g ED

    clomid for PCT

    do a search on DFloods Anavar cycle critique.... my favorite var thread.... trust me it will help you!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    I have never ran var at a dose lower than 50mgs per day. 25mg per day IMHO is just a waste of good gear. If you cannot afford to run higher doses then don't bother with var in the first place.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Teegunn
    Did you use the tribulus during the cycle, or after as part of the PCT?
    throughout the whole cycle

    and I will never run lower then 75mg again with var.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency
    throughout the whole cycle

    and I will never run lower then 75mg again with var.
    Thanks. I really like Trib. My "boys" definitely feel more active when I use trib. I haven't used Tribex, but I have used Tribulus extreme from Twin Lab and thought that worked pretty well.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    ive heard of peeps running var at 50-75mgs ED for 6-8wks without clomid for pct just a simple 2wk pct with nolva at 20-40mgs ED and maybe through in about 3-4g trib ED during pct and maybe a lil lower dose of trib like 2g or so thoughout cycle.. i was thinking of doing the same thing throughout summer time to keep lean and hard good luck and let us not how it goes
    Last edited by justin2305; 05-20-2005 at 02:26 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    hey thanks for all your input....bros' those of you who used it had reqally good results huh?? and maintained them to i can assume ...... y doesnt everyone use seems like i would reccomend it to everyone. as far as gains kept....the only prob i have now is alllll this damn test deca and dbol i wont use guess ill have to (give ) it away.... no one reccomends some dbol low dose 20-25mg;s to kick it off for a few weeks???

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by faustunta
    hey thanks for all your input....bros' those of you who used it had reqally good results huh?? and maintained them to i can assume ...... y doesnt everyone use seems like i would reccomend it to everyone. as far as gains kept....the only prob i have now is alllll this damn test deca and dbol i wont use guess ill have to (give ) it away.... no one reccomends some dbol low dose 20-25mg;s to kick it off for a few weeks???

    I think a Var only cycle might be a decent idea. One major drawback is that Var is very expensive. It isn't going to give large mass gains either, but not everyone is looking for that though. I have also read that it can give painful pumps and back pains. But everything has it's drawbacks, and Var looks to have very few drawbacks attributed to it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Teegunn
    I think a Var only cycle might be a decent idea. One major drawback is that Var is very expensive. It isn't going to give large mass gains either, but not everyone is looking for that though. I have also read that it can give painful pumps and back pains. But everything has it's drawbacks, and Var looks to have very few drawbacks attributed to it.
    well i consider 5-10 pounds oif lean mass a very big gain when compared to an average gain of 8 pounds a year it safe to assume that i can gain from 5-10 pds of lean mass with 6-8 weeks of anavar ?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by faustunta
    well i consider 5-10 pounds oif lean mass a very big gain when compared to an average gain of 8 pounds a year it safe to assume that i can gain from 5-10 pds of lean mass with 6-8 weeks of anavar ?

    I couldn't tell you yet, as I haven't tried it. But from what I have been reading on many different sites, I think 5 pounds of lean mass would be in the ball park running var for 6 to 8 weeks. From what I have read, Tbol may give a little more mass, but a little less hardness. I am very interested in both Tbol and Var and am trying to decide which of these I should go with. They both sound like very good options. I am not looking for much of a mass increase. About 10 lbs of solid mass along with getting more cut. Those are my goals.

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