Thread: Traveling With Gear
05-20-2005, 07:19 AM #1
Traveling With Gear
I am going to be moving back home, it is about a 1500 mile drive. I am wondering if I should just pack up my gear and mail it, or drive with it. I drove with it down here, but don’t want to press my luck too much. But I don’t know how safe I feel putting it back through the mail? I will need to drive with a bottle of prop and a needle at most due to the ed injections, so im wondering if I should just bring it all? Any suggestions
05-20-2005, 07:26 AM #2
I would drive with it and just drive carefully. You can't get pulled over and searched. If you do get pulled over (which would require a great amount of stupidity if you are driving with gear), if they ask you if they may search your car, tell them "no", politely, but firmly.
Sound dumb, but that is just about the only way they can search your car.
Drive carefully, bro and you'll be fine.
05-20-2005, 08:05 AM #3
i would drive with it znak said if you were to get pulled over ..... they would have to have reason to smart drive slow and your good to go
05-20-2005, 04:40 PM #4
thanks guys
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