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Thread: Got some antibiotics for my infection?

  1. #1

    Got some antibiotics for my infection?

    Went to the doctors office to get some antibiotics for my infection. Told the lady that I just finished my cycle, and started taking B-12 injections. I told her that I injected B-12 in my left glute and it started to swell. At first she was real bitchy asking me all these questions about were did I get the B-12 injections, I told her that I got it off the internet, she said you know that they make a serum or something that you put under your tongue that does the same thing. I wasn't going to tell her that it was the juice that cause the infection. She then asked me to drop my pants and checked it out she said that the needle didn't go deep enough into the muscle and that what made it swell. She said that there was no infection, but proscribed me CEPHALEXIN(generic for KEFLEX). I told her what do you mean that its not infected look at my ass cheek its swollen and I was running a fever all last night. She said take the antibiotic 4X a day for 10 days, and all symptoms should clear. After awhile she stopped being a bitch and started to ask questions about how long have you done steriods, ect. Then she asked me to lift up my shirt and inspected my chest and back, she said you have no, gyno. I told her that I already knew that she said and no acne either, I told her that I take lots of anti's and eat healty and exercise daily. The nurse before her who took my blood pressure, pulse, and temperature said that there hasn't been anyone in here in better shape than me in about 6months or so that she has checked. I also got blood work done just to make sure that everything is okay. They will be checking my blood hemoglobin, liver enzymes, and a lipid profile as well as test levels. I know that I'm completely f-ing rambling, but point being this was some scary shit! If for whatever reason you think that something is not right, swelling anywhere you injected get to a doctor, infections are not something to be playing around with. Most importantly if you are proscribed an antibiotic, make sure and take it for the entire duration. Don't stop taking it even if you feel better or symptoms go away, because if you do this chances are you'll never be able to take that antibiotic again, because the bacteria will build up a resistance to the antibiotic. Take care of yourselfs, and happy cycling!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    feel better bro.

    good advice!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Good post bro. I hope you feel better. Sounds like you've got a good doc.
    The other day I ordered some keflex to have on hand just in case.


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