heres the deal, or history,just got news that in about a month or 5 weeks Im meeting my x in miami,I havent ran gear in a while and I know 5 weeks isnt ample time but Its worth giving it a shot.I know most will say its a half ass approtch but just want to look as best as I can,I want her back in the worst way.Heres what I have now
2 bottles cyp 250mg/ml
enough dbol for 4-5 weeks @20mgs ed
100mls tren 100mg/ml
20ml winny 50mg/ml
1 gensi igf 1 kit 1000mcgs
1 kit gh humatrope 86iu I think
hope to have 100amps of prop @50mg/ml
and 1000 winny tabs @5mgs
so If I hit the traing hard and eat good whats the best combo,like I said I know its half ass and Ill run the gear for 10 weeks just want to get the best gain in the 5 weeks I have before my mission.
Thanks Doo