Buddy #1
Ok my first buddy is 50 years old .. only 170 pounds .. never done test before ... never done a cycle ... he wants to run a low dose of test, not to gain weight, not to build muscle, but rather more for a feeling of well being. He has natural low test levels . He wants to try a low dose ... what should i recommend...
Buddy #2
Abused steroids in his younger years. His body stopped producing test and therefore he is forced to take androgel 1% everyday to just get out of bed. If he doesnt take a dose he feels super sluggish, gets headaches, etc. Hes paying a ton for his cream since he doesnt have health insurance. He tryed subbing a shot of test prop 100mg eod instead of his gel but this didnt give him the same effect. He felt sluggish and went back to the gel. What do you recommend for him?
On a side note, would buddy #2 be able to make his own androl gel out of a dmso gel and test base to cut down on costs??? Just curious...