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Thread: 2 different friends, 2 different questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Living Large

    2 different friends, 2 different questions

    Buddy #1

    Ok my first buddy is 50 years old .. only 170 pounds .. never done test before ... never done a cycle ... he wants to run a low dose of test, not to gain weight, not to build muscle, but rather more for a feeling of well being. He has natural low test levels . He wants to try a low dose ... what should i recommend...

    Buddy #2

    Abused steroids in his younger years. His body stopped producing test and therefore he is forced to take androgel 1% everyday to just get out of bed. If he doesnt take a dose he feels super sluggish, gets headaches, etc. Hes paying a ton for his cream since he doesnt have health insurance. He tryed subbing a shot of test prop 100mg eod instead of his gel but this didnt give him the same effect. He felt sluggish and went back to the gel. What do you recommend for him?

    On a side note, would buddy #2 be able to make his own androl gel out of a dmso gel and test base to cut down on costs??? Just curious...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I think if # 1 is like he is, I'd recommend he speak to his physician. HRT is common, & Test levels can be tested and then supplemented if needed without issue.

    # 2 is more of a financial bind than anything else. Not much info I can give to help with that. As far as makin' his own, I'll leave that part to someone who's a li'l more knowledgeable about conversions, homebrewing, etc.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    Buddy#1 Test Enth. 400mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct
    Buddy#2 Test Cyp 500mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Living Large
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Buddy#1 Test Enth. 400mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct
    Buddy#2 Test Cyp 500mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct

    These guys wanna stay on low doses for a extended period of time. They dont wanna run a 12 week cycle then stay off ... buddy #2 especially needs something to keep his levels up since he body doesnt produce it naturally anymore..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Just give both 250mg Test E /week for life, seems simple to me since they both are on or want HRT. Your second friend probably just needs to wait long enough for it to start working or maybe its a psychological thing, as in hes asociated his feeling of well being with applying this gel daily and needs to break the cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    sent you a pm 5minsforfighting!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    One Cent is correct. You are looking at two promising candidates for fulltime hrt. Neither one has any reason to use bodybuilder dosages. 200 to 300mg per week ought to do both of them just fine. No ancilliaries are specifically needed at those doses, though a low dose of nolva will help the lipids profiles if they are effected by the test. My suggestion for both is to see their doc and have blood work done, and try to get a scrip for test C or test E. Some docs will only perscribe cream or gel... very wasteful if you ask me, and very inconvenient. With C or E the patient can just jab every 3 to 4 days and no probs. If a doc can't be found who will perscribe injectible test, they will have to shop around for a clinic. Oasis, a sponsor of this board, is a good one though a bit expensive. They do take very good care of their patients, though.

    Even though they will be on hrt dosages, they should both still consider taking up weight training. The health benefits alone are worth it, and even those doses will probably have a nice effect with proper diet and exercise. If they are just fat, soft slugs, even with high test levels, they will still feel like crap. This is important for getting the biggest bang for the buck from HRT. Why take the test if you don't put it to use? Why bother, if you refuse to let your body make the changes that you are taking the test for?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Living Large
    thanks bros for all the advice

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Glock-19
    Buddy#1 Test Enth. 400mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct
    Buddy#2 Test Cyp 500mg's week 1-12 20mgs nolva daily during and clomid for pct
    This is HRT we are talking about not a cycle they will be on it for the rest of their life.

    A common dosage for HRT is 150mg of test enanthate every 10 days

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    check your private messages 5minsforfighting.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    IMHO the only reason to keep dosage low for full time hrt is so that no, or few, ancilliaries are needed. If you don't mind taking nolva and perhaps a very small dose of ldex or adex every day, 400 or 500mg/week can safely be carried indefinitely.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    The Baron's advice all makes perfect sense to me ( except maybe that i'd prob stay CLOSE to the 200Mg/wk , maybe 150, range). 1 Q tho.... I realise case #2 has no more concern about natural Test production; but wouldn't the long-term Test ( even at 200Mg/wk) cause shutdown?? Of course that would not be a concern if u r gonna stay on forever ; but it nevertheless might b a concern for buddy #1 ( I know i WOULD b nervous about it). Does anyone have experience of test cycles ( duration? dosage? ) that did NOT cause shutdown?? Has anyone had recovery from shutdown WITHOUT PCT??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Periodic use of hcg would prevent most long-term damage. I honestly believe you can come off a low dose hrt-type regimen, if hcg was used, with normal pct, and recover quite well. I see too many instances on the boards of guys running 6 month or longer bodybuilders' cycles, or just staying on, then coming off and not reporting major problems. Recovery, of course, meaning test production equivelant to the user's baseline. If his test were low to start with, of course "recovery" would mean endogenous production of the same level as before.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thanx bump

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