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Thread: Winny/Deca cycle and diet - PLEASE CRITIQUE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Winny/Deca cycle and diet - PLEASE CRITIQUE

    hey guys i just started a Winny/Deca cycle it will be my second cycle the first was 2 years ago.

    i am 20 years old..5'10" 172lbs on a strict diet which consisits of an Isopure protein shake as soon as i wake up. i eat every 2-3 hours and i alternate between these choices through out the day:

    8 egg whites and a banana maybe some grapes and strawberries.
    a Nitrotech protein bar (SMORES IS AMAZING!)
    can of tuna and lettuce
    grilled chicken/brocoli/protein pasta (from GNC- AMAZING!)
    grilled fish / veges
    there are a few more things i substitute here and there but i basically avoid carbs and high fat. I eat alot of protein and i drink more than a gallon of water a day.

    i shoot on mondays wednesdays and fridays. i also run outside those 2 days in the morning. after my isopure shake. well maybe like an hour after.

    i do 50mgs of winny eod ( and 300mg of deca on mondays.
    ive only been on the cycle for a week so I really havent seen any drastic changes. I work out monday-friday. I train real hard and my goals are to drop off some body fat and get ripped without looking like a toothpick. I know most of u will all tell me to get test into the cycle but I just couldnt do it this time. i believe winny and deca will be a nice cycle for the goals im looking for. i also take CE2 creatine, MEGA MEN multis, OMEGE-3 fish oils and milk thistle.
    QUESTION - should i add some 6-oxo or the slyvester stallone testosterone product or any other test enhancing product to kinda boost up my testtosterone levels?? Any other comments or suggestions??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    shouldve asked questions BEFORE you started your "cycle" ...... deca should ALWAYS be ran with the deca profile hooker wrote in the profiles section....

    i suggest you check out the diet forum because that diet is horrible......neglecting carbs and fats?!?!

    you say you're trying to lose bodyfat, yet you're only 172 at 5'10"?? you're skinny as hell to begin with.....i would buy some clomid and nolvadex and get off this cycle ASAP....

    horrible cycle and're too young and too skinny IMO, and too uneducated to use steroids.......not trying to flame you bro, but nearly everyone here will agree with me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i dont neglect carbs but everything u eat has carbs in it already no need for extra. veges/chicken/protein bars the seasoning and sauces i put on my chicken ...all had carbs no need to sit and eat i have my pasta..protein pasta that is...yes has carbs but low carbs more protein yumm.!! i dont have clomid and novalex cant find them..wat else can i take i heard 6-oxo is good for restoring test levels. can i take it during my cycle too?? also i am not skinny i have a belly and i hate it .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    click on the words clomid and nolvadex

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    The US of F@#$ing A
    Bro you should have seriously done some research before you started. You are going to be in for a big surprise when you come off cycle and your dick doesn't work. No clomid or nolvadex for post cycle means you are going to be shut down for awhile and are more than likely going to lose everything that you have gained.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    also is it bad if i masterbate alot during my cycle?? maybe once a day.. ps. clomid and nolvadex are guy dont have them i cant order them...6-0xo or another test. restorer will do the same job

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    honsestly at 20 yrs old, your just starting to begin your test producing stage. Wait a couple of yrs to begin a cycle. Also if you want to put on muscle you gotta up the carbs and espically calories.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by FlexEm13
    also is it bad if i masterbate alot during my cycle?? maybe once a day.. ps. clomid and nolvadex are guy dont have them i cant order them...6-0xo or another test. restorer will do the same job

    since when is masturbating once a day "alot"?!?! LMAO i usually go 3-5 times a day

    PS clomid and nolvadex are illegal???? So steroids are LEGAL where you are from???? lol i just showed you were to get them....

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