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Thread: Cycle Advice, Please Help!

  1. #1

    Cycle Advice, Please Help!

    I'm 26 years old, 5'10 & 195lbs, and already in pretty good shape. not looking to become huge or obtain any miracle results, just looking to get a little more lean, tighter, and harder. suffer major side effects from test (bloating, acne, etc) and dead set against doing any form of it. recently started a cycle of:

    BTG anavar 25mg/day
    QV EQ 400mg/week
    BD primobolan 300mg/week

    does this sound ok? what should I do during/post cycle to help maintain results and keep my "equipment" working properly? also, I plan on staying "on" for about 15-20 weeks all together and have some BD masteron and 50mg winny tabs. would it make sense to incorporate these or any other non-test products in this cycle? ANY and ALL advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by 4horseman
    I'm 26 years old, 5'10 & 195lbs, and already in pretty good shape. not looking to become huge or obtain any miracle results, just looking to get a little more lean, tighter, and harder. suffer major side effects from test (bloating, acne, etc) and dead set against doing any form of it. recently started a cycle of:

    BTG anavar 25mg/day
    QV EQ 400mg/week
    BD primobolan 300mg/week

    does this sound ok? what should I do during/post cycle to help maintain results and keep my "equipment" working properly? also, I plan on staying "on" for about 15-20 weeks all together and have some BD masteron and 50mg winny tabs. would it make sense to incorporate these or any other non-test products in this cycle? ANY and ALL advice would be appreciated.
    Dude, you already started this, so why are you even asking.. Do your own research ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    with out test, that cycle will be hard to recover from and gains will be hard to keep.
    I would ADD TEST or stop. if you stop do pct and start doing research. If you are dead set against test start researching VAR.
    if you run test properly, frequent injections and use nolva sides should be next to none.
    how did you run it before?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by clhp20
    Dude, you already started this, so why are you even asking.. Do your own research ...

    i agree....if you can pick out a cycle and start it on your own, what are we going to tell you besides you should have used test?

  5. #5
    hey clhp20, the whole pupose of this discussion board is to get opinions and advice from other users who may know a bit more than me, isn't it? if you're such an expert, why even be on this site?
    as far as me already starting, I'm only in week 1 so if I have to make alterations it's not a major problem. I've tried prop and sust at different times, and besides the high level of water retention I experienced, I suffered from a terrible case of acne on my back. if the whole pupose of taking this shit is to look better and I can't even take off my shirt because my skin is so bad, what's the point? I wish this weren't the case, but this is how my body reacts.
    my main concerns are:
    1) what kind of cycle should I put together with the above mentioned gear that I have?
    2) what should I take during/after cycle in order to keep my sex drive up and my dick functioning properly?

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