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Thread: Are there people that Test just isn't all that affective for?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Are there people that Test just isn't all that affective for?

    So, I've been this cycle for a while now, started Feb 1. I'm okay with extending it, I have HCG, and haven't gotten the gains I wanted. I have had my ups and downs with underdosed mexican shit, QV, and think I want to add in some Anavar or something to get a little bit more out of it. My training has been disciplined, I haven't missed many days at all. And the ones I did, were because I was either out of town, sick, or letting my should recover. Anyway, I have Var, I have Deca, and I can always just order something else. Basically, I'm begining to think I'm just a person that test doesn't necessarily do wonders for. Maybe adding something else in the mix will help some. I have had VERY little in the way of sides. Not that I want sides, but I do want to maximize the gains. I'd actually be open to doing a little bit of DBol. Anything to where the gains I want actually occur before I get ready for PCT.


    Week 15

    Test 500 - 750mg per week (upped it after I was on the underdosed sh1t)
    EQ 400 - 500mg per week ( " .... " )

    Anyway, I've gained probably 7 or 8 pounds.

    Diet hasn't been perfect, however it hasn't been outright bad. I do eat all I physically can without feeling like vomiting. I'm just not blessed with an appetite that allows me to eat to no end.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Also, are there any roids that increase your appetite?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    For appetite try injectable Vitamin B12 at 1000mcg /day

  4. #4
    eq does that

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    1000mcg a day? Okay, theres a thought. I'm on EQ, any other suggestions? and what about for other gains?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    okay, I was doing about 500mcg eod or e3d. It did seem to help. But this is a WAY higher dosage, which is fine with me, but are there any negative affects? And HELLO! No one is commenting on which other drugs to consider?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Canada, Eh
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    okay, I was doing about 500mcg eod or e3d. It did seem to help. But this is a WAY higher dosage, which is fine with me, but are there any negative affects? And HELLO! No one is commenting on which other drugs to consider?

    You mean B12? Sometimes I have trouble sleeping if I take it too close to bed time, thats about it nothing else that I've noticed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I would suggest tren with test. I just would never do test by itself- now of course that might have something to do with theh 6 or so cycles I have already done.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Alright, I'll read up on Tren. But, the thing is, I've heard it makes people easily upset. LOL. That wouldn't be a great thing for me. Any testimonials of your Tren benefits?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Any thoughts on throwing Tren in for the last 3 weeks?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Or would Dbol be a better short term augmentation?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    So, I've been this cycle for a while now, started Feb 1. I'm okay with extending it, I have HCG, and haven't gotten the gains I wanted. I have had my ups and downs with underdosed mexican shit, QV, and think I want to add in some Anavar or something to get a little bit more out of it. My training has been disciplined, I haven't missed many days at all. And the ones I did, were because I was either out of town, sick, or letting my should recover. Anyway, I have Var, I have Deca, and I can always just order something else. Basically, I'm begining to think I'm just a person that test doesn't necessarily do wonders for. Maybe adding something else in the mix will help some. I have had VERY little in the way of sides. Not that I want sides, but I do want to maximize the gains. I'd actually be open to doing a little bit of DBol. Anything to where the gains I want actually occur before I get ready for PCT.


    Week 15

    Test 500 - 750mg per week (upped it after I was on the underdosed sh1t)
    EQ 400 - 500mg per week ( " .... " )

    Anyway, I've gained probably 7 or 8 pounds.

    Diet hasn't been perfect, however it hasn't been outright bad. I do eat all I physically can without feeling like vomiting. I'm just not blessed with an appetite that allows me to eat to no end.

    Suggestion: Next time do deca instead of EQ. You'll get the gains you want... Its probably not your test... its the EQ. EQ is not a big weight gainer, its often used more to trade in fat lbs for muscle lbs. If you are scared of deca shutting you down hard... well news for you. Tren, EQ and Deca are all about the same as far as shutdown and length of time it takes for recovery. At this stage, you are too long a cycle to be considering starting a deca/test cycle so maybe good idea to take a couple months off, then plan a 15 to 20 week cycle. I am on 500 mg wk deca and man... sometimes it pisses me off with EVERYONE is accusing me of being on steroids because I am just exploding out growth everywhere. But then again its nice because women are dropping everything to stop and turn head to check me out, even guys check me out, old ladies, youngsters... get lots of new respect from everyone, gained 2/3 inch in biceps JUST in the last 3 weeks and we are talking COLD measurements and now I am feeling constant tearing sensations under my triceps and underarms, I think I am about to develop stretch marks.

    As for the appetite.... take some B-vitamins... not part of a multivitamin pack because Vit A and D can interfere with absorbtion of some of the B-vits... you want just a plain ole nothing but B or B & C combination vitamin... this will enrage your appetite more then any steroid will.
    Last edited by Ntpadude; 05-24-2005 at 03:06 AM.

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