When you are on steroids, can you train more then when you are off ?
I train 5 days a week now, but if i start using, can i train like 6 times a week and some muscles twice a week ?![]()
When you are on steroids, can you train more then when you are off ?
I train 5 days a week now, but if i start using, can i train like 6 times a week and some muscles twice a week ?![]()
when on i train no different
same volume same reps same duration same split...
Same muscles twice a week, some might argue that you will go in a "overtrianing" mode and actually do more harm than good. You gotta get your rest man. both at night in bed and away from the gym
I thought I could train more ( from what I heard over the years) and when cycle kicked in started training everyday. Only took a week before my shoulder blew out and wasnt getting better results. So I trained less (even more then normal) and have been getting great results. JMO, but I believe firmily not to over train on or off cycle.![]()
Less is more in the land of lifting...
Ok, cuz i wanted to train chest twice a week![]()
i train in a 6 day rotation
1 day on 1 off like
back/bi/traps/rear delts
chest/tri/front/medial delts
works great for me
but everyone is diff.
Yeah it's unnecessary to train every muscle twice a week, you will just keep breaking yourself down and never have time to heal. You must have rest!! Now myself personally I like to hit my lagging bodypart twice a week, but switch up the workout. One day for strength and oneday for reps. Works for me.
Yea, i was thinking like:
day1: chest, delts
day2: back and belly
day3: off
Day4: legs and shoulders
Day 5: bi, tri ( arms )
Day 6: off
Day 7: Chest, delts
Day 8: back and belly
Day 9: off
Day 10: Legs and shoulders
Day 11: bi, tri (Arms)
Day 12: off
Day 13: Chest and delts
And so on...
I think you can hit a bodypart twice in a week...some people just recover better than others.
just try;in my opinion you should train the same as you are doing now. aas will give a boost at your protein synthesis and will reduce your tissue catabolism but there is the real risk that you will be overtraining without noticing it,especially if you will run nandrolone-based aas that will also reduce your joints pains.
aas will give you mass and power so keep your training as it is now,just push the barbell up until the muscle hurts and you'll grow and grow and grow....
you can train more since the juice will speed up recovery time, but i think you are trining enough as is. Taiboxa"s routine is perfect, overtrainng is a waste
For me, once a week doesn't seem enough/large muscle group while on AAS. If I hit chest hard on Monday, by thursday I no longer feel it. Same with lats, abs, and bi's. I hit the lats, chest, and bi's 2x/week. Abs I hit EOD. Testo, unless you are using weight with your ab workouts, IMO once/week is not enough.
Ok, someone who has another point of view ?
Im very scaptical to train legs, shoulders and the day after hit the arms, since im using tri when i train shoulders..
I found the sweet spot for me is not extra days as compared to off, but you can increase the intensity per workout. You can also increase reps but more importantly the number of sets. If you are not feeling yesterday's workout in a big way, then you didnt train hard enough. As opposed to extra days, instread of spending 1 hour on a training day, I go at it for 2 hours, sometimes 2.5 hours on shoulder day for example. You wouldnt workout like this off steroids because after 2 hours you are producing cortisol up the wazoo but on steriods you dont need to worry about catabolism and cortisol.Originally Posted by Testo^
Ok, but my training program looks ok ? Or is it anybody else who have a good suggestion to a training program ?![]()
here bro this works for me even tho i change it all the time...it allows you to train twice every mucle with out over training it...that is if you are complete recovered.
1. heavy chest, light shoulders, heavy tris
2. legs mostly hamstrings
3. back and bis
4. off
5. light chest, heavy shoulders, heavy tris
6. legs mostly quads
7. back and bies or have the day off.
its a long week of training but if you think about it each mucle is getting atleast 48 hours of rest which is enough for some people to recover.
you deside if you train your arms twice or only once since they are small muscles.
actually now that i see your get 3 day rest which is even better. thats 72 hours of rest per muscle group. oh yeah and as far as Calves and abs, just throw them in when you can. dont forget about them tho
i guess training more frequently is great for small people![]()
but when you get big you need more time to recover... and AAS doesnt f'n regenerate you twice as fast as norm... you still need a min of 5days rest and make sure not to do something like chest and a few days later tri's because your breaking your tri's down (small muscles) again before they even fully heal thus causing regression instead of progressing in size![]()
i totaly agree...belive me im all for rest but im just giving and idea of what a work out of twice a week can be with out really over training. SO NO ITS NOT FOR SMALL PEOPLE...everyone is diffrent and if you heal fast and you understand the muscles being used in every training then you should see that even though thats a twice mucle training program is done smart beacuse your are not training shoulders a day after doing tris...
yes but everyone is human and has the same physiological aspects(THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE ARNOLD) such as if they train right break the muscles down PROPERLY then it will take a MIN of 6 days to recover... and many people that go on cycle increase rest to 10hrs a day and train as usual... 7day split
because your better to NOT train at all.. than to overtrain.
BRO READ WHAT IM SAYING...im not saying rest is not important. im not saying that you dont break down your muscles when you over train...BUT THERE IS PEOPLE WHO DO WORK THEM TWICE A WEEK. so im trying to give a smarter way of doing it..if you see up on the top someone had put (legs and shoulders...then the next day bis and tris). dont get me wrong dude im not going agaist what your saying but theres is people who will still train twice a week, all im saying is that it can be done in a smarter way...hell i do it some times and thats only when im completly healed, and my body is up to it.
When i'm juiced, I can train twice a day easily, but I still keep my workouts about an hour at the most. I only take one day off a week, but when i'm not on I take 2-3 days off a week easily and my body feels better overall.
aye true its just i have always done it where you train it hard and train it right so it takes long to heal... but there are ways of breaking the muscle tissue down to a lesser degree which would allow for twice a week training.Originally Posted by gio86
Hmm, i trained like that before, and i have to disagree on doing back and bis on the same day. If i train back first, i dont get good enough bis training, and if i train bi first, i dont get good enough back training.Originally Posted by gio86
back breaks down bi's quite effectively if your lifting w/ proper intensity...
why not finish the job and fry them for the rest of the week w/ 5-6 sets of some strict heavy curls?
IMO you can easily overtrain bi's if you train them a few days later after a pimpin back workout..![]()
You can train bodyparts twice a week, but only to break the monotony and catch your body off guard. I wouldn't do it every week. Maybe once every 6 weeks per bodypart doubled. So this week double up on chest, next week do chest normal but double up on legs, etc. Other than that, just workout hard and rest..
aaaaaaaa Shhhiiiiiiiit everyone trains diffrent just get your rest...some like twice some like once...whatever works for you. and yes its true you can get as hard core with your bis when you do back first but AGAIN you can over train them if you hit them after a pimpin back workout....lol
sooooo what ever works for you bro...
Co2boi you hit the spot...changing once in a while, not letting your body get used to the same work out over and over again
thats why i love to do an 8 week cycle of SC's Leg Protocol workout OMG what a shock on the sys... put an inch on me legs in about 8 weeks (w/ gear of course) but stillOriginally Posted by gio86
Originally Posted by taiboxa
taiboxa, how long are your workouts? The length of one's workout is really going to dictate how much can be done/day. I only workout EOD for 1 hour......married with children, work 65 hours week, house and yard, you get the idea. I recover pretty fast doing the following:Originally Posted by taiboxa
day1 chest & tri's
day 3 back & bi's
day 5 shoulders
day 7 legs
I used to do the shoulders with the leg workouts and then hit chest 2x/week, but I found that my shoulder routine ruined my chest routine at that frequency.
well including my 10min warmup and bs'ing that usually takes place its about 75min to the dot aboput 55-65min of intense kill...Originally Posted by Logan13
i train EOD similar to yours but my shoulders i had to put them w/ back and chest because after a good chest day my medial/front delts are fried anyhow and back day rapes my rear delts... so its like this
Chest/Tri/Front|side shoulders
Back/Bi/RearDelt and SOMETIMES trap if deads dont smoke them enuff
only like 6 sets for tri's and 3 sets for shouldrs
and 4-5 sets for bi's
less i train more i grow.. weird like that eh![]()
i train 4.5 DPW in my rotation (ON ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF) and repeat.......i never take a week off unless i fall ill...but occasionally i will do a lighter week with only 3 workout days when my body tells me to. It seems to work great for me, and i have consistent gains too which is nice. i have a "natty" 300 pound bench now for 5 reps
But i haven't cycled at all yet either.
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