Shit..! i dont whant to lose my jobb..!
My frends are warning me...! dont pusch to harde.!
thay are fier you..!
if the finde out you do steroids...!
and ther are some people that think..!
That you must use steroids..!
he grow to fast .!
But no body have speak out ...!
thay are taking ...
That is what my frend say..!
but...! for now.! no body have say enyting..!
so fare so good.! hmmm.!
In this cycle i have only done some 600 Pecktop and after that i am in my 3 week whit Cypionat 250mg/ml Every 4 Day..!i whill shot one today
and after that.. is something like 14 days..!
i will kick in whit 3 sustanon karachi 250mg/ml in every week.. on 23 week
and done some trenbolone acetate and mastobol in the laste 23 week off everything totaly..! off this cycle.
and Hcg cycle ( on and off ) style ( 4 week on and 4 week off..! )
i think i need some more then 60 tab 20mg Nollvadex LOL... :->
in some how i dont care at all..! 625 Amerika dollar.! in penlty for use steroid..!to the gym...!
and baned from gym..! in 2 years..!
Hmmm Enyway i have my one Gym..!
The cops finde out that my frend use steroid..!
after the penelty in cort..! totaly 8000 sek
and in some how thay Calculat in Iu..! 1 ml = 10 iu.
The cort , thay dont care what is what in the gear..!
he hade something like 1300 iu at home...!
and that wos everything from sustanon.(-- dont know what you call decka 200mg , but we call decka 200mg for Dubbel D ) and Hgh some. meny good and nice stuff..! in a nice mix..!
so...! To get busted . i dont give a Fu**
But..! I like my work very much.
and ther is very god people.
i dont whant to cut my cycle..!
The only thing i am thinking on..!
What if..!
in my next work..!
That New Boss yust phon a call and he or she will know the tru me..!!
Steroid user....!
i have allredy bine kickt from a work..! 2 years a go..! Not fun...!
my gole is.. get big. get hard and nasty body and stay ther....only then i will be free from peoples taking , They finde Out if you get diffrent to fast..!
Hmmmm...!! i am yust taking and taking ..!
Sorry... my bad english.