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Thread: Question on Oral Steriods . . . please help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area

    Question Question on Oral Steriods . . . please help!

    Hello, i was just wondering what the best oral (or cream/topical) steroid is. I've done a good amount of research and it seems that Anadrol is a popular pick. Are teh gains as good as they say? And are teh side-effects severe? I know that they are common, but are they long-term and actually dangerous? Please help with this question. Also, and oral steroid users or people knowledgeable on them please feel free to post any somment. Thanks a lot for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    Quote Originally Posted by sgoldberg
    Hello, i was just wondering what the best oral (or cream/topical) steroid is. I've done a good amount of research and it seems that Anadrol is a popular pick. Are teh gains as good as they say? And are teh side-effects severe? I know that they are common, but are they long-term and actually dangerous? Please help with this question. Also, and oral steroid users or people knowledgeable on them please feel free to post any somment. Thanks a lot for your time.
    you are not planning an oral only cycle are you?
    as far as im conserned, the best steroid for gains is test.
    and should be used in every cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area
    well i was planning on an only oral cycle . . . im looking to gain around 6-12 pounds muscle - no rediculous gains or anything, so i though that an oral steroid was enough for my moderate goals. am i wrong?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Canada Ehh...
    ya, that is not a good idea. and here is why: orals will shut down natural test production. no test = no happy. you can have problems like, lethargy, lack of agression and limp dick. also orals need to be stacked with test to help solidify
    the gains made. for a first cycle I would go with test only at 400 or 500mg per week
    for 12 weeks. use test e or test cyp since it only needs to be injected 2 times a week.
    if diet and trainning are all good you will love this.
    But 6-12 lbs can be done natural very easaly. maby just change up your diet and trainning. have a look at the bulking sticky in the diet forum

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    Alright, thanks for the help. Not to argue, because i will probably end up using the cycle you just sggested, but why does the steroid profiles on this site say that anadrol can give the user 14 pounds in two weeks? it makes it sound like its a wonder pill, but i assume thats bullsh*t?

  6. #6
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sgoldberg
    Alright, thanks for the help. Not to argue, because i will probably end up using the cycle you just sggested, but why does the steroid profiles on this site say that anadrol can give the user 14 pounds in two weeks? it makes it sound like its a wonder pill, but i assume thats bullsh*t?
    It's not BS. But, most gains from anadrol are water bloat, which you'll lose once you discontinue the med. The strength gains are also kickin', but again, dissipate once you discontinue takin' it.

    I agree with the above. Incorporate some Test. If it's your first cycle, you can go for a lower doseage, and between your diet, training, & resting, you should reach your goals.

    Good Luck!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    THanks a lot guys i appreciate it. But one more question to bother u with - i read a lot about anadral harming the liver . . . is this common and is there ways to go around it, and are the side-effects to the liver long term? Also, is anadrol a good suppllement to used with test?

  8. #8
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sgoldberg
    THanks a lot guys i appreciate it. But one more question to bother u with - i read a lot about anadral harming the liver . . . is this common and is there ways to go around it, and are the side-effects to the liver long term? Also, is anadrol a good suppllement to used with test?
    you don't ever want to mess with your liver.... some of the effects are irreversable... to be causious with any oral compound, load up on liv52, milk thistle, and I like to have b6 layin around as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    THanks . . . with those supps will there be no damage to the liver if i use all those, or is using those three supps just a prayer to no harm the liver?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    At The Squat Rack
    Quote Originally Posted by sgoldberg
    well i was planning on an only oral cycle . . . im looking to gain around 6-12 pounds
    I think you'll be able to gain 6-12lbs easily on an oral cycle!!

    6-12lbs of WATER!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Buckeye City
    You need to man up and use a needle. If your not using a needle, then it should not even be considered a cycle, with the exception of var.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Var would be good on its own? What about test + tbol only cycle? I've read a few of the other threads about this, but why do you personally favor var over tbol? (sorry if unrelated to this thread, but i think so )

  13. #13
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    bro u don't need gear to gain 6-12 lbs of muscle... if u checkout some of the diet stickys u shld b able to do that fine... but if u are dead set on going to the gear, then orals only is not a good idea. test is best.. people who look to an oral only cycle are usually a little squemish about stickin themselves. if u can't handle injections u probably shldn't b using gear. the only oral i wld ever consider using alone wld b var... but i can't afford

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    what is var? and is it quick to see the gains, like adavar is said to be? and is it harmfull? thanks

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    and this may sound like a rediculous question - but if i gain "Water" does that mean i get to be a little fat boy? or does it mean i look like im jacked, but really its just water??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Water retention causes the "puffy"/undefined look. Also Anavar is not fast on gains and usually dosent give more than 5-10lbs MAX over a whole 8-10wk cycle. The best most efficient way is to inject, but there are transdermals of many many injectables. Combineing those and some orals will show some nice gains it's just more expensive and time consuming.

  17. #17
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    somewhere in between a fat boy and jacked... lol muscles will be puffy... not hard and ripped. kinda like triple h has that bloated look.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    the NY area
    haha alright, thanks . . . as far as injectables, what will give me the best and fastest gains witht he least amount of sides?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by sgoldberg
    haha alright, thanks . . . as far as injectables, what will give me the best and fastest gains witht he least amount of sides?
    research.. probably Best cycle out there

  20. #20
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    most recomend a test only for first time cycle... but b4 u jump into anything, do alot of research first... the gear is only a small part of it. u have to have your diet on point... that is probably the hardest part of it... at least for me it is.

  21. #21
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    the NY area
    i've researched a lot, and i've worked out very well and lifted consistantly for about 2 years - another questions, is no matter what i chose to inject, will it defineatly stunt my growth?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    the NY area
    anadrol 50 vs. var


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    gear isn't a good idea at your age bro... u shld have plenty of "free" test floatin round your body as is.. y take a chance of stunting your growth and maybe never reaching your true potential? try following one of the diet stickys to the tee... it shld help u get some good gains... it did for me and i m 36 yrs old. just imagine what it cld do for u with your younger test levels... jmo

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