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Thread: test enanth

  1. #1
    jay7227021 is offline Junior Member
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    test enanth

    taking 500mg/week would it be better taking 1cc 2 times per week or say .70cc 3 times per week

  2. #2
    doctorherb's Avatar
    doctorherb is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Go with 2 shots bro...every w/d from the vial u lose a lil in the pin, hence, more pokes, more test lost

  3. #3
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    ....1cc 2x/week should be fine if it's 250mg/ml test enan....

  4. #4
    hollaatyoboy is offline Associate Member
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    1cc 2x a week monday/thursday

  5. #5
    dtr98's Avatar
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    used to do 2x wk going with eod now to keep blood levels even more stable

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i actually found a trick to getting every bit outta the syringe but i get ragged on pretty hard for it but it works great for me.
    here it is:
    after you load your syringe and start to push the oil up, push it to the very top of the syringe but not INTO the needle or chamber of needle at all.
    leave that lil bit of air.. turn needle upside down let that tiny air bubble float to top. and then continue to push down on plunger gently until a tiny bead forms at end. turn needle upside down let lil oil ball fall down the pin to lube it. then go ahead and inject and make sure the needle is injected so the plunger is upward so the air bubble stays at top inject slowly and at the end you shud see the tiny bubble fill the chamber but go no further works for me but is very unorthadox.

  7. #7
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    thats smart dood

  8. #8
    ChefJ's Avatar
    ChefJ is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i actually found a trick to getting every bit outta the syringe but i get ragged on pretty hard for it but it works great for me.
    here it is:
    after you load your syringe and start to push the oil up, push it to the very top of the syringe but not INTO the needle or chamber of needle at all.
    leave that lil bit of air.. turn needle upside down let that tiny air bubble float to top. and then continue to push down on plunger gently until a tiny bead forms at end. turn needle upside down let lil oil ball fall down the pin to lube it. then go ahead and inject and make sure the needle is injected so the plunger is upward so the air bubble stays at top inject slowly and at the end you shud see the tiny bubble fill the chamber but go no further works for me but is very unorthadox.
    Besides that as long as you are in muscle and not a vein, which is what aspirating is for, the air will not effect you at those small levels even if it is injected.

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ChefJ
    Besides that as long as you are in muscle and not a vein, which is what aspirating is for, the air will not effect you at those small levels even if it is injected.
    ROFL lol well i figured i would waste about 52.2 cc's this cycle if i didnt figure out how to stop that .18cc waste
    and yeah i pumped SOME SERIOUS AIR into me trying to figure out the right amount..
    i was like using .3 cc's of air at first and thought i could watch it and push it slow enuff i could stop it before i pushed air in.. WRONG.. once oil was out any pressure at all shot that air straight in .. it was like...
    slow... sloowww.. easy..easy does it... ok got all oil out then i hear this sound PSSSSsshhhh "DOH "... and the plunger goes ALL THE WAY DOWN on its own .. i was like FAWK...

  10. #10
    jay7227021 is offline Junior Member
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    so is 3 shots per week going to keep my levels more stable though, i really dont mind doing moe shots if that will help with the sides keeping levels stable.

  11. #11
    Geeezer's Avatar
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  12. #12
    jay7227021 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geeezer

    its funny because when i started this cycle everyone was all for it telling me to do it. i wasnt going to do test but everyone said to put test in to help. now that im doing what the people here recommended, people are flaming me for it telling me i shouldnt do this cycle. i mean no disrespect here, but what the hell is wrong with some oe the people here? why do some of you recommend somthing then flame for doing it. d-bol = huge gains and lots of water retention, deca imo is not good ie deca dick. people need to stop giving more than their .02 when someone only wants a question answered. answer the question or dont say anything at all. stop the flaming.

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