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Thread: Cutting cycle..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Cutting cycle..

    I'm planning on gett ing really ripped soon. My current stats:

    My goal is to get the bodyfat below 5%.
    This is what I had in mind:
    Cycle of 8weeks with T3, primobolan and winstrol.

    1)75mg of winny each day during the whole cycle.
    2)Week 4-8, T3 according to the guide Cycleon(up-constant-down) has made with a peek of 150mcg in the constant period.
    3)200mg primo a week during week 1-3. Then 300mg primo a week during week 4-5 and 200mg primo a week during week 6-8.

    !!!!!!No clomid, no nolva, no arimidex!!!!

    What do you think? Is the dosage Ok? Is it OK to skip the clomid and/or antiestrogen??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    how's your diet and how much cardio go plan on doing? roids won't get you cut, but may keep your muscles from t3 induced atrophy.

    you need clomid for the estrogen spike post cycle. it doesn't matter if you're not taking any aromatizing steroids, your own body will senthesize its own estrogen post cycle to compensate for depressed hormone levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    btw, keep your primo constant at 400mg/wk for 8 wks. use the winny at 50mg/day from weeks 4-11 to coincide with the primo release time.

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