I'm planning on gett ing really ripped soon. My current stats:
My goal is to get the bodyfat below 5%.
This is what I had in mind:
Cycle of 8weeks with T3, primobolan and winstrol.
1)75mg of winny each day during the whole cycle.
2)Week 4-8, T3 according to the guide Cycleon(up-constant-down) has made with a peek of 150mcg in the constant period.
3)200mg primo a week during week 1-3. Then 300mg primo a week during week 4-5 and 200mg primo a week during week 6-8.
!!!!!!No clomid, no nolva, no arimidex!!!!
What do you think? Is the dosage Ok? Is it OK to skip the clomid and/or antiestrogen??