hey fellas, I know that winny should be taken 50mg/ed but I just read where someone said depot means weekly injections. So would you only shot winny depot once a week? if so how could you get the 50mgx7 into one weekly shot? I hope I'm not confusing anyone as badly as I am. I never really looked into winny till now, I was considering adding it into my next cycle. I was going to try the ** winnys but changed my mind.
I just got prices from my local source and figured out my calculations of price for a 4 week period of takeing the winny at the end of my cycle.
If anyone can clear the dosage up for the winny depot and help me out a bit great
20ml 50mg/ml bottle for $225
50mg/ml amps $14 a pieace
and I think 10mg pills for guessing 2 dollars maybe 2.50-I know he has these but didnt get price. Can someone help me abit in decideing which one would work out best to add into my cycle:
wk1-4 30mg/ed dbol
wk1-10 500mg/wk cyp