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Thread: primo/winny = SOLID MUSCLE???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    muscle town,usa

    primo/winny = SOLID MUSCLE???

    Will 200mg/wk of primo and 25mg/ed of winny tabs help a 1st time user gain say maybe 5-10lbs of solid muscle??? This user is around 10%bf and is a competitive bodybuilder but has never used before...He's just looking for that little extra push to help him gain QUALITY before his next show....Any advice would be GREAT.........................

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Secret Volcano Lair
    if all you're looking for is 5-10lb then you may get that with what you're planning, but i'd highly recommend getting the primo up to 400mg/wk or adding 200mg/wk of test.

    make sure you don't start your winny for at least 2 weeks into the primo cycle because primo is a long acting ester and won't release into your blood in a large amount until about the third week.

    don't take primo tabs, they're pretty shitty.

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