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  1. #1
    Bigvinnyt is offline New Member
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    police academy testing

    Does anyone know if you are tested for steroids in police academys?

  2. #2
    pyschomab's Avatar
    pyschomab is offline Associate Member
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    i beleive they do!!

  3. #3
    peyton18 is offline Junior Member
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    just had a buddy go thru the academy....hes huge and they all suspected he was using and they even asked him if he was but the never tested guessing each city/county is diffrent tho...not sure

  4. #4
    collar's Avatar
    collar is offline Anabolic Member
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    in australia they do
    thats where i live thats why i know this

  5. #5
    peyton18 is offline Junior Member
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    dont you have to take a polygraph b4 the academy....didnt they ask if you have taken any illegal substances???

  6. #6
    Hell Awaits is offline New Member
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    its illegal in ny for an employer to force someone into a polygraph.

    ronnie coleman was a cop, im sure your fine

  7. #7
    peyton18 is offline Junior Member
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    in va. i had to take one for the fire dept. and the police dept. makes you take them too.

  8. #8
    robkesl's Avatar
    robkesl is offline Senior Member
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    to my knowledge you have to do both a poly and drug test, and they do test for steroids . i have a friend whos a cop.

  9. #9
    bd50's Avatar
    bd50 is offline Associate Member
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    i have many cop friends who juice,, they tell me that the departments only test for drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, etc., NOT for steroids .

    HOWEVER, during the polygraph exams, they may or may not ask you specific questions about drug use, including steroids,, that's where some people fail if the machine detects a different reaction in your blood pressure, sweat glands, and/or heart rate.

    and although polygraph exams are not always admissible in court, the police department could deny you a job if you fail it.

  10. #10
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    They do not piss test for steroids but they will ask you about them on the polygraph i am 100% on this, just be honest

  11. #11
    Knight1811 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigvinnyt
    Does anyone know if you are tested for steroids in police academys?
    Most if not all local, county, state PD or SO(Sheriff's Office) do NOT test for AAS. They do test for the usual shiat (dope etc). Federal do NOT test for AAS. PERIOD. I don't know about Australia or other countries.
    Most if not all local, county and state PD or SO do give a polygraph....and illegal substances are asked...thoroughly asked.
    Only a handful of Federal agencies will do a polygraph...DEA, FBI, SS, Capitol Police...will conduct a polygraph...and YES...illegal substances are covered BIG TIME....I MEAN BIG TIME.
    As for someone saying their state is illegal to conduct a polygraph...BS...ALL APPLICANTS for the above federal agencies WILL be polygraphed, regardless of what state they reside in!!! And if the local boys aren't giving them a poly then that is news to me...I just learned something.....and to refuse a polygraph means...termination of application for employment. So if you want to get hired...your arse is getting poly-ed....but you're can't force them into a poly...but then again you can't force them into an interview or a piss test or anything else for that matter. Simply, if you want to get're gonna have to jump thru their hoops.
    Last edited by Knight1811; 06-06-2005 at 02:00 AM.

  12. #12
    yung-priest is offline Associate Member
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    down here where im from they dont poly anymore from what i was told, and they didnt test b4 but i think they will start crackin down on it wit bigger departments

  13. #13
    Tags's Avatar
    Tags is offline Associate Member
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    It's really easy to lie on a polygraph... If they ask you a question that you wana answer no to but the truth is yes do this b4 you answer...

    Think "do I wana bang that fat chick at my gym" then say no...

    or for something like yes think "Do I wana bang a hot porn star" then say yes...

  14. #14
    LionsGate's Avatar
    LionsGate is offline Associate Member
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    bd50 is right. its costs way to much to test for every steroid , they do test for other narcotics. 90% of people who fail the poly is due to drug related questions. but then again i only know about California, but academy training and testing here is hands down the best, anyone from here can get a job in a pussy town like VA, hahaha jk bro. you should be fine. if you want more tips to pass a poly PM me. good luck

  15. #15
    Bigvinnyt is offline New Member
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    well i'm from new jersey if anyone is one hundred percent positive let me know

  16. #16
    keylock is offline Associate Member
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    Who would want to be a cop the whole world hates cops (cops)

  17. #17
    dcs1975 is offline New Member
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    this will all come down to the individual department. the academy itself will not test you for shit the department will give you a piss test for the basics weed marijuana and cocaine.

  18. #18
    jaydub's Avatar
    jaydub is offline Senior Member
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    wait.. where am I?..
    they're not gonna test you for steroids . they're only using the test procedure to find the common drugs like coke, smack, weed. They gotta do a different kinda test all together to test for roids. As for a polygraph?.....I really don't know..but yer piss will be straight

  19. #19
    juicyr6's Avatar
    juicyr6 is offline Junior Member
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    vinny in jersey they def. do not test you for steroids .
    if they suspect (and it takes very credible information for them to suspect) then they could test you for steroids, however they wont test you for a specific substance because its a very expensive test, they will only test you if your test levels are high, which u could always say u take pro-hormones and hence why ur test levels are high.
    as for poly most counties and municipalities that i know do not make u take a poly.

  20. #20
    LD_18's Avatar
    LD_18 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keylock
    Who would want to be a cop the whole world hates cops (cops)
    its funny how the whole world says that same thing until you need one there, then all of a sudden they cant get there fast enough and your glad to see them.

  21. #21
    juicyr6's Avatar
    juicyr6 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LD_18
    its funny how the whole world says that same thing until you need one there, then all of a sudden they cant get there fast enough and your glad to see them.
    amen..preach on brutha

  22. #22
    SwoleDave's Avatar
    SwoleDave is offline Associate Member
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    they prob. wont test for roids, but they may hook you up to a polygraph as part of the background check and ask some questions about em if you're a giant.

  23. #23
    Samson7's Avatar
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    could be wrong but i saw a story on the news last week about how there are a lot of cops juicing so they are stronger and more agressive than the people they have to take maybe not but what do i know

  24. #24
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    Big vin Im from Jersey too and my friend juiced and hes a cop in Jersey I can ask him exactly what they said but i know hes a cop and he juiced so they must not really had to make it too hard ... I also know a few cops that juiced email me if you really need to find this stuff out i will get all the info possible.

  25. #25
    fullspeed is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicyr6
    vinny in jersey they def. do not test you for steroids .
    if they suspect (and it takes very credible information for them to suspect) then they could test you for steroids, however they wont test you for a specific substance because its a very expensive test, they will only test you if your test levels are high, which u could always say u take pro-hormones and hence why ur test levels are high.
    as for poly most counties and municipalities that i know do not make u take a poly.
    Prohormones are now illegal as well, so that excuse won't work...
    Does use of an illegal substance exclude you from becoming a cop?

  26. #26
    Two4the$$ is offline Senior Member
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    First question, are you already passed the entrance exams/tests? Oral interview, BG check, physical, Polygraph, etc? If so, you're probably fine. It's pitiful, but there are police officers than I watch buy shit straight out a store front here. One day I was in there, and the cop was there, and she was saying stuff RIGHT IN FRONT OF him without him concenting to this person addressing me in a manner that the cop OKayed, and afterwards, I was like, "hey, you probably shouldn't do stuff like that... he might not want you divulging his indiscretion so publically..." I was then told, that he gives ADVICE when people come in there about which to use, and what works, etc. HOLY FU(KING SHIZNIT! I mean, CRAZY! Anyway, you can probably find out their policy, but chances are if you're going to the academy already, they're NOT going to test you for that. Plus, it's kind of advantageous to the dept that you DO do roids! LOL. So it's not in their INTEREST to screen for it. It'd be like the Raiders testing new members for it. I mean, they have to publically renounce the usage, but they certainly don't take action to enforce that public policy... But, I'd be willing to bet a BUNCH of cash that some PD's DO test for it, especially ones where a cop was using, got caught, and dept policy had to be changed/modified...

  27. #27
    newbrew is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tags
    It's really easy to lie on a polygraph... If they ask you a question that you wana answer no to but the truth is yes do this b4 you answer...

    Think "do I wana bang that fat chick at my gym" then say no...

    or for something like yes think "Do I wana bang a hot porn star" then say yes...
    Its interesting that I have not heard that approach before. I wonder if its effective. Logically, youd think it would work.

    I wish I knew somewhere I could get polygraph tests ran for a fee. Surely there is a place to 'practice'

  28. #28
    Charged_UP is offline Associate Member
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    my friend is graduating, his only fear was being noticed, that might bring on a test.

  29. #29
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  30. #30
    palumbo is offline Member
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    in canada they do not do polygraph or testing for any drugs for recruitment they just ask u lol only out west they do a polygraph

  31. #31
    KDRLINUS is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbrew
    Its interesting that I have not heard that approach before. I wonder if its effective. Logically, youd think it would work.

    I wish I knew somewhere I could get polygraph tests ran for a fee. Surely there is a place to 'practice'

    its been said the two most effective ways of beating a Poly... are

    1.) mess up the preliminary questions like age name address blah blah... this will sway the results.....

    2.) actually belive the lie u told... some people lie so well they actually believe things happened to them... if u honeslty believe a lie is true your body will respond as if it was true.... and u should essentially pass the test

    just a thought....

  32. #32
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight1811
    Most if not all local, county, state PD or SO(Sheriff's Office) do NOT test for AAS. They do test for the usual shiat (dope etc). Federal do NOT test for AAS. PERIOD. I don't know about Australia or other countries.
    Most if not all local, county and state PD or SO do give a polygraph....and illegal substances are asked...thoroughly asked.
    Only a handful of Federal agencies will do a polygraph...DEA, FBI, SS, Capitol Police...will conduct a polygraph...and YES...illegal substances are covered BIG TIME....I MEAN BIG TIME.
    As for someone saying their state is illegal to conduct a polygraph...BS...ALL APPLICANTS for the above federal agencies WILL be polygraphed, regardless of what state they reside in!!! And if the local boys aren't giving them a poly then that is news to me...I just learned something.....and to refuse a polygraph means...termination of application for employment. So if you want to get hired...your arse is getting poly-ed....but you're can't force them into a poly...but then again you can't force them into an interview or a piss test or anything else for that matter. Simply, if you want to get're gonna have to jump thru their hoops.
    So lets say, you tried marijuana once when you were 15... havent tried it again since and now you are 26 and want to be a police... if you answer YES i tried marijuana when I was 15, does this mean you cannot become a FBI, DEA or police? Seems this type of situation could almost make you a better cop sort of like the best drug treatment guys are former drug addicts, because they know what its like to be addicted. What happens if the polygraph gives you a false indication you are lying when you are NOT?? What can you do?

  33. #33
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LD_18
    its funny how the whole world says that same thing until you need one there, then all of a sudden they cant get there fast enough and your glad to see them.
    Agreed. I dont think cops are so bad... I was on a federal grand Jury once and you cannot tell me some of these DEA, ATF and FBI guys we seen werent juicers... I mean otherwise all these guys have special genes or something. I saw a parade of guys with 55 inch chests and 30 inch waists and they definately didnt pick up their suits at Men's Warehouse or Sears, they had to be custom tailored to fit these guys.

    As a 20 something I knew friends that smoked pot and occassionally some were caught by local police with a joint or such... almost every time the cop just confiscated the joint and didnt press charges and let them go with a warning. I mean like this, nobody needs a felony on their record over a lousy joint and it was nice these cops didnt stick these guys with such an overbearing penalty over something so harmless. Myself I live in a neighborhood where we leave our houses unlocked or keys to cars in ignition of unlocked car and nobody bothers anything, I think the local cops are doing a bang up job keeping my neighborhood safe and sound. Sure we hate them when you are getting a speeding ticket but....

  34. #34
    Georgie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell Awaits
    its illegal in ny for an employer to force someone into a polygraph.

    ronnie coleman was a cop, im sure your fine
    That is incorrect. There are certian federal exceptions and the police department is one of them. And to answer the question about steroid testing at the police academy... You are not drug tested at the academy. You however, are drug tested during your testing process leading up to the academy. Every city is different, and most only test for street drugs. However, this is what I would be worried about...... You have to take a medical exam where you will have a complete blood work up. They are not testing you for drugs, but we all know steroids can throw all kinds of blood values out of range. You could fail your medical, if your blood work is out of range.

  35. #35
    eric_eroc is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knight1811
    Most if not all local, county, state PD or SO(Sheriff's Office) do NOT test for AAS. They do test for the usual shiat (dope etc). Federal do NOT test for AAS. PERIOD. I don't know about Australia or other countries.
    Most if not all local, county and state PD or SO do give a polygraph....and illegal substances are asked...thoroughly asked.
    Only a handful of Federal agencies will do a polygraph...DEA, FBI, SS, Capitol Police...will conduct a polygraph...and YES...illegal substances are covered BIG TIME....I MEAN BIG TIME.
    As for someone saying their state is illegal to conduct a polygraph...BS...ALL APPLICANTS for the above federal agencies WILL be polygraphed, regardless of what state they reside in!!! And if the local boys aren't giving them a poly then that is news to me...I just learned something.....and to refuse a polygraph means...termination of application for employment. So if you want to get hired...your arse is getting poly-ed....but you're can't force them into a poly...but then again you can't force them into an interview or a piss test or anything else for that matter. Simply, if you want to get're gonna have to jump thru their hoops.

    not true im from detroit and have detroit cops as friends, they had a mip and driving with no license charge before one of them became a cop, and there a cop, one was a here and there dope user with me at early late teens so if the ask he wouldnt be there. theres a few shadey cops they dont do no polygraph test. or mayb its just detroit michigan, we are crazy here and crime is big here. but they dont test for roid or no poly test

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