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Thread: 1st time using tren...need advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C

    1st time using tren...need advise

    never done tren before. currently in a 500mg/week test cycle. took dbol for the 1st 4 weeks. this is my 3rd cycle. tren=4th cycle.

    i'm gonna be running the tren by itself to check out the sides. never had a limp noodle with deca so hopefully it won't happen with tren.

    my options:
    tren ace: 75mgEOD for 6 to 8 (262mg/week)
    tren e or hex: 200mgE5D for 8 weeks (280mg/week)

    I would prefer to go with the the longer ester do to obvious less pokes. are those doses ok for a first time for either one? you guys wanna share some 1st time tren's, gains, inject schedule.

    also...would bromo or dostinex be needed for those doses? should i maybe go a little lower?

    thanx bros...i've been up in the air on this one for a while now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    not where I want to be
    well, you will get a lot of dissent from people about running tren by itself. Their chief concern will be that it will shut you down and you'll be impotent. Well, tren is one of the hardest hpta suppressor out there but personally, tren makes me horny like most people say test makes them horny.

    Having said that, I'd still recommend you run it with some kind of test. Personally, I like tren ace and test prop. But what you do is up to you. Eventually you'll recover, I fully support these kinds of experiments but I'd still put test with it.

    The first time I ran tren was for 8 weeks at 75mg/day. The biggest problems I had were the insomnia, and the acne. Next came the aggression. Tren makes me angry, but I'm a very relaxed person so it never caused a problem I was always able to control it.

    As far as your doses go, I'd run the tren ace at 50mg/day - 75mg/day but I haven't ever used tren en so I can't help there. good luck

    EDIT: yeah I completely forgot, just like tonytone said below me the night sweats are KILLER. I had to sleep on a towel so I didn't have to wash my sheets every single day.
    Last edited by symatech; 06-07-2005 at 05:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    first time i used tren i stacked it w test-e. ran the test at 500mg/week.i started off taking tren a at 100 mg EOD, because i didnt really want to shoot ED, but after about a week and a half i decided to man up, and dropped it to 75 mg ED. went very well, shooting ED isnt that bad. Ran the tren for about 7weeks along w my test and loved. strength gains were great, put on some good mass, and shed some fat in the process. but beware, it's very harsh and made me sweat like a dog when i did just about anything, and night sweats were the worst. had to have the AC freezing just so i didnt soak the sheets.....but i usually did anyway. it's hard to explain to girls why i sweat so much at night when it's about 62degrees in ,y house...but hey, fvck it, i'll do it again for sure

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by symatech
    well, you will get a lot of dissent from people about running tren by itself. Their chief concern will be that it will shut you down and you'll be impotent. Well, tren is one of the hardest hpta suppressor out there
    right on, forgot you said you wanted to run tren by itself...i think you will like your results a lot more too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    i just started running tren a week ago @ 50mg/ed. i have been experiencing lower back pains. the night sweats r horrible. i wake up about every hour with the pillowcase soaked. the side effects suck, but it's definitely working. my abs are more visible today the lower back pains weren't really a problem, knock on wood. but the last 3 days it was a real pain in the ass. i'm also running it with prop/eq/var.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    If you want to try tren by itself i would go for the acetate incase you do run into problems you can get it out of your system fast and hit pct i agree you should use some sort of test but if you want to be a guinea pig try it out im curious on how you do

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I would run the tren e at 400mg ew and some test e @ 500mg ew and you should like the results from that setup..

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C
    thanx for the replies guys. yeah...i'm gonna do it on it's own. i've taken deca by itself...EQ...var...test...and now...tren. i like to see how my body responds to each before i start stacking.

    like bignatt said...the ace is good if you can't handle the sides so you can come off quickly. i don't know too many guys that have had to stop it. even when the sides get fairly nasty...most just sweat it out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C
    have you guys had to run bromo or dostinex with your cycles?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    well keep up posted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Brooklyn...NY f@ckin'C
    Quote Originally Posted by bignatt
    well keep up posted
    i will...thanx bro.

  12. #12
    is there enough test in sustan 250 to run with tren

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Quote Originally Posted by yungrican9
    is there enough test in sustan 250 to run with tren
    I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking....sust 250 is test. You can run it at 500mg/week and it will be ok with tren.

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