How long was your longest cycle?
1)What did you take and for how long?
2) How was your pct?
3)Did you loose much size post cycle?
Just interested in experiences....thanks guys.
How long was your longest cycle?
1)What did you take and for how long?
2) How was your pct?
3)Did you loose much size post cycle?
Just interested in experiences....thanks guys.
1, prop, tren, d-bol, test-e, winny,slin, IGF1-LR3 dnp, clen. not all at once. it was a cycle I started befor christmas and still have not stopped. I am currently thinking about running test year round.
2. dont know, havent done it yet
3, No, still growing
I have had blood work done before and twice during (last test was 2 week ago)
and every thing is looking good
I am also currently thinking of running test year round...bloodwork fine and im relatively young...
ran 26 weeker of test/deca/eq/win/fina/dbol.......did not grow much after the initial gain, did not keep much afterward due to the damage to my running 12-16 week low dose cycles and keeping virtually all gains
1) Test E, deca, dbol ::: test 14 weeks, deca 12 weeks, dbol 4 weeksOriginally Posted by Logan13
2) good kept most of what I gained
3) about 5-7 lbs, cut some bodyfat too!
when you say you had blood work done, what are you getting checked or looking for?
26 weeker
12 weeks sus, deca,d-bol, 3 weeks anadrol
got most of my gains aroud week 7, I like shorter cycles I feel I keep more of my gains.
8 weeks is good for me but thats just me I dont like to juce all the time I only have so much hair.
A year....I changed compounds every 12 weeks...then I took a month off (did PCT) and went back on.
Now I go off for 2-3 weeks every 12-16 weeks, give or take....
I believe it was 6-8 months
i always did 12-14 weeks cycles,now since januari on year round so for the first time i'm in week 22. :-)
Wow, How long have you been doing this? Do you find HCG to be helpful. I am doing a 20 week of prop/eq/var, plan on using HCG before pct. I have never been on this long before.Originally Posted by hooker
I dunno....almost 2 years...
1st cycle was over 6 months long. Very inexperienced with lack of knowledge of gear and shot what ever I could get my hands on with no plan. Unfortunate result: Levels were irratic and attitude certainly showed it to the public and to friends and family. Was on Deca, DBol tabs, Test en, Omnadren ampules, Sust redijects, think that's all. Didnt know about PCT and as a result lost most of my gains, too emabarassed with my loss of gains to even show up at the gym, lost ability to produce erections for over 3 months, libido problems for at least 6 months, attitude put me in divorce and custody court and of course a night in jail, hmmmm....what else, oh the very ugly acne and comments from everybody who knew me saying something or another.
Word of advice: Plan cycle ahead of time, stick to it and do PCT!!!
Have not cycled since, about to start 2nd cycle tomorrow....the smart way, after very careful planning and education for the last 3 months thanks to experienced bros on this site.
19 weeks...........................![]()
2 1/2 years
the sampler
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