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Thread: Newbie question

  1. #1
    Kevyboi is offline New Member
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    Newbie question

    I'm sure the answer for this is somewhere, I have searched but I must say that I am totally lost in the amount of information here!!

    Most of the information I seem to finding is relating to body building and gaining loadsa weight, so I'm not really sure that, as someone who hasn't tried steroids before, where to start.

    Basically, I'm a really light guy, (try 8.5 stone, which I think is like 110 pounds), 5ft 9.

    I've tried the weight gaining diets, working out etc. but am having no luck in gaining weight, I'm the kinda guy that, for example, ate 4 xmas dinners over 2 days and lost half a stone

    really, I'm not looking to be huge or anything (I'm being realistic here, I just want to be able to wear a t-shirt without having twig arms lol).

    Is it possible to get this kind of decent results from just taking one kind? Like, is it really necessary to stack multiple kinds? It just all looks a bit baffling lol..

    Just wondering what recommendations as what to take to start off with, for how long etc. Oh and Id be looking to take the pills, I dont think I could inject myself lol, bit of a wimp when it comes to that sort of thing.

    Sorry, don't be too mad at me if there's a similar thread I've missed

    thanks very much

    Last edited by Kevyboi; 06-09-2005 at 05:20 AM.

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    no bro a cycle ain't for you at that weight. diet is key have a read of this

  3. #3
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    How old are you? You weigh 110 pounds? Dude steroids are definitely not for you man. Calories calories calories is the key in your situation here. considering your weight... you need food, and lots of it. like maybe 4-5000 calories a day where the makeup of those calories is protein/carbs/fat = 35%/35%/30% of total intake. Steroids will only get you hurt or worse at this point. You have not even the basic frame to start supporting serious muscle growth.

  4. #4
    Kevyboi is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the link, stock121!

    MMA_Maddawg, I'm 19. The problem is, I've tried countless diets before, but they always seem to fall through, either through lack of results or just trying to maintain one with a busy lifestyle.

  5. #5
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevyboi
    Thanks for the link, stock121!

    MMA_Maddawg, I'm 19. The problem is, I've tried countless diets before, but they always seem to fall through, either through lack of results or just trying to maintain one with a busy lifestyle.

    just have a go at bulking bro. you don't need juice yet you can do it

  6. #6
    Heracles74's Avatar
    Heracles74 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121
    just have a go at bulking bro. you don't need juice yet you can do it
    Yeah bro, I hear ya. Listen to stocky... at 19 YO and 110 lbs... NO WAY are steroids for you. your not growing naturally yret and you have a ton of free forming test flowing through now that a lot of us older guys lost a long time ago. Hit the diet RIGHT, and hit it HARD... you will be surprised at how you grow... get your protein... lots of it. you'll grow, trust me, then later down the line you wil lbe ready for AAS most likely, you'll have a great base to work with by then... Keep us posted on your progress and use the forum to keep learning bro.

  7. #7
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA_Maddawg
    Yeah bro, I hear ya. Listen to stocky... at 19 YO and 110 lbs... NO WAY are steroids for you. your not growing naturally yret and you have a ton of free forming test flowing through now that a lot of us older guys lost a long time ago. Hit the diet RIGHT, and hit it HARD... you will be surprised at how you grow... get your protein... lots of it. you'll grow, trust me, then later down the line you wil lbe ready for AAS most likely, you'll have a great base to work with by then... Keep us posted on your progress and use the forum to keep learning bro.


  8. #8
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevyboi
    Thanks for the link, stock121!

    MMA_Maddawg, I'm 19. The problem is, I've tried countless diets before, but they always seem to fall through, either through lack of results or just trying to maintain one with a busy lifestyle.

    If your too busy to eat, your too busy for aas.

  9. #9
    Scorpion25's Avatar
    Scorpion25 is offline Junior Member
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    Listen to these guys bro...

    They know what they are talking about. You and I are sorta in the same boat, im 25, 5'7 and 150lbs but when i was 19 i was 120lbs, it took a lot of hard work to get up to 150lbs. I came to this site in about Jan. just so i can have some one help me and tell me what kind of steroids i need to take, but its not that simple. I spoke to a lot of people and they gave me great advice.
    I needed to train more and naturally up my weight 1st, which i have been doing... my weight has been increasing but at a slow rate and i train 5 days a week im almost 158 lbs.

    I am looking to start my 1st cycle in about 3 months, but thats after reading and educating my self for months on end.

    I know you said you tired all kinds of diets, but like Maddawg said you need to eat more calories, protien and carbs. Here is a site that will help you this site has helped me a lot, you get to keep a track of what your eating, and what its doing for you. give it a shot. If at the end of the day your not eating 4 to 5000 calories then you need to eat more.

    Hope this helps good luck bro

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