After reading this book I couldn't help but to notice how different these cycles listed in this book differs from ones being discussed in this forum. What gives?
After reading this book I couldn't help but to notice how different these cycles listed in this book differs from ones being discussed in this forum. What gives?
what kind of cycle's was in the book ?
I was just talking to some other mods (*yesterday), and we were saying that those book-style-cookie-cutter cycles are silly (yes, that book came up too).
Wouldn't you prefer a book with a chapter on "How to design your own cycle" which told you how to do it, rather than some spread sheets with generic cycles penciled in?
yeah, what kind and where did this book come from?
It's written by L Rea. Here's a example of a begginer cycle in the book:
Deca 200mg/wk Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-8 Nothing
Primo 200mgs/wk Weeks 9-12
Anavar 25-35mgs/day Weeks 9-12
Weeks 13-16 Nothing
Deca200-400mgs/wk Weeks 17-24
D-Bol 20-35mgs/day Weeks 17-24
Nolva 10mgs/day Weeks 21-26
Provrin 25mgs/day Weeks 21-24
HCG 3000iu 2xweek Weeks 24-26
wow, hope no one actually does that cycle.
I'm used to seeing a more conventional cycle like:
Test E 500mgs/wk Weeks 1-10
Deca 400mgs/wk Weeks 1-10
D-Bol 30mgs/day Weeks 1-4
PCT Nolva/Clomid
I read almost the entire book and i agree, especially about deca, after reading the book you had the picture that deca was some kind of wonder drug with with almost exlusevly good effects. After reading some posts here you get a completly different picture.
Damn...never seen anything quite like that.
Originally Posted by Landmine
the best thing you can do with that book is burn it before someone read's it and dose a cycle
Just making sure I wasn't the only one not agreeing with some of the recommended cycles in this book. I think the the sample cycles listed on the home page of are more appropriate.
Originally Posted by stocky121
Mine is on PDF...I don't to burn my whole computer...!
..that looks like a screwed up rollercoaster ride....Originally Posted by Landmine
Last edited by almostgone; 06-09-2005 at 10:18 AM. Reason: ...sorry@ss spelling...
i'm glad i saw this post, i was just about to purchase that book, and the follow up "Building the Perfect Beast"...saw 'em over at the Meso board...phew!
First hand experiences.Originally Posted by Big M
I don't like deca...and I will never use it again. I got more sides than anything. Deca dick, depression (could be from the deca dick), lethargy, etc. the list goes on.
Originally Posted by Money Boss Hustla
If you were planning a mass cycle with test/deca and dbol what would you substitute for deca? EQ?
EQ is known to give panick no I would not.
It's all personal choice. Some people really like deca. I personally do not. Sometimes we are guinea pigs to find out what works for us.
L Rea is an interesting man. I think he gets a bit overzealous in his cycle layout, but alot of his information is fairly accurate. Aside from a few unprofessional typos in his book and the weirdass cycles he recommends, i liked it.
that was a real stupid cycle and for a beginner im lost for words
That's what I thought. I think I'll stay away from that book!Originally Posted by Titan1
Any other opinions on this book and its cycles?
I think everybody should read the part about creatine in it. really Interesting. has anyone actually tried the cycles listed? I agree they look weard but maybe they kick ass![]()
A book is the opinion of one person, whos primary motivation is to make a book that will sell copies and make money...
A forum is a large group of people, whos primary motivation is to further and understanding of steroids...
I personally would chose a forum over a book any day.
just buy hookers book when it comes out..... looks like there will be something on how to come up with your own cycle thats best for you in there.
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