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Thread: old sust

  1. #1

    old sust

    I still got a half used vial of sust left from stopping my last cycle early due to injury.
    the rubber top of the vial is a bit tatty and may have a tiny hole in it that hasnt closed up properly due to using large needles to suck it up, do you think this would be alright to kain?
    If not Can you boil test to steralise it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I don't know about boiling it, but if it has a hole in it don't you think bacteria can seep through? Someone correct me if I'm wrong here

  3. #3
    thats what i was thinking, it has been sitting there for a year aswell, i cant clearly see a hole but theres probably a microscopic one in it, so any one know about boiling it?

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