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Thread: Getting blood work done, can they tell if I am on AS with these Tests?

  1. #1

    Question Getting blood work done, can they tell if I am on AS with these Tests?

    Yo bro's, alright just got back form the docs, full physical, ball cough etc. BP was a little high, 140 over didn't say, Heart beat was a little sped up, he said it could be do to nervouses or the caffein. Fuk it was the caffein as I was wired as fuk on it and that woulda mostly raised my BP as well. My parents are good friends with our doc and he asked if i take any AS. I said no, just some pro hormones and protein that shit, lol. Just finished cycle, start PCT sunday. Am going for blood work whenver I go in for it have the sheets for the work to be done, this is what they are testing for:
    Hematology Profile
    Glucose - Fasting

    This isn't my post-cycle blood work, its basically what my parents want to do and i cant say well know ill get them done once my cycle is over, so i comply and as long as they can't tell im on anyting then I don't care, keep them happy. The only thing im kinda pissed off about is they asked for a urine Test, WTF do they need one of those for??? I said NO I can give you one of those, fuk them. My parents are fukin snoops and know the doc quit well so i think they were trying to trick me or something, boy they are going to hear about this. What do you think about what the blood they are doing, won't be able to tell shit will they. Some might be a little high ie. cholesterol and whatever else AS raise but those could be do to many factors not just AS. Boy im pissed about the Urine thing, I know my parents and they try to be sneaky fukers and they would so put out the money to run a drug test, as if that'll ever happen.

    PS I will be doing my real Post cycle blood work done after i finish my PCT. Thanks bro's.

  2. #2
    Anyone no blood work? cause i dont no what half this hsit means.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oakland Athletics
    i thought that they test your kidneys by the piss deffinatly not sure bout that but thats what i was told anyway..dont hold me to it though..

  4. #4
    Ok, yah could be, I didn't have to piss anyways so I couldnt plus i was a little skechy, parents have been all over me, acne on back, muscle growth. Mom keeps telling me ai dont need to be big shit like that, so it all kinda is just skechy. I thought they could test for everything through blood work?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    There are many things that can be tested through urine..

  6. #6
    Oh, never knew that. thought most work was done through blood.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New Jersey
    on most laboratory sheets for blood, urine, etc...there is a section that can be checked off by your doctor that tests your testosterone beware that its not checked off.

  8. #8
    I have the sheets of whast checked off, does it blantly say, Testosterone on it or does it havea special medical term? Also they could not check for osmething with out my conscent could they, since this isnt for anything work related or sport related just my family doc. if they did so behind my back i could sue some ass foresure couldn't I?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    New Jersey
    yes it specifically says TESTOSTERONE on the sheet.

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