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Thread: once again a dumb question by hippo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    once again a dumb question by hippo

    U know the notch in results u get in PCT.. how long does that take, when u start seeing results again when training naturally. Hmm, what I mean is that in PCT when results start declining more or less, when does this declining end or atleast reach a static phase..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If you did the right thing and waited to hit your natural limits before using gear, then during and after pct, after having exceeded your natural limits, you will definitely see losses. The idea is to minimize the losses and not let them demoralize you. Then you are starting from a bigger beginning on your next cycle.

    As with all phases of training and cycling, PCT success is characterized by your attitude. A refusal to accept lesser performance or to accept it as normal is key. Not letting the awful truth mess with your confidence is another important thing. This is a paradox in thinking, but you have to mentally approach this from both angles, IMHO.

    PCT knocks some users down more than others. You might notice hardly any degradation in performance or size. You might lose half your gains in two months. This varies from person to person but it is largely up to you.

    Often you will be carrying a lot of water going into pct. When it disappears, don't let the scales' reading depress you. Who cares about the water? You are only concerned with muscle tissue.

    Don't try to harden up or tighten up too much post-cycle. Keep the calories up. Catabolism preys hardest on those who aren't eating enough, obviously. And feel free to "duh" that remark but I had to put it in there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yeah, my cycle got ****ed up coz got sick in the 6th week (had to stop), but now 6 weeks into PCT and feeling that my results have gone even worse than they were b4 I started. I was 4 weeks away from gym completely bcoz of pneumonia though.. So hitting the gym back I saw great shapuing up initially in 2 weeks (during PCT) but now 4 sum reason I feel like I am going down again.. Im zig zagging. I waited relatively long to cycle, my bench is 380 (it was that b4 the cycle too) The thing is that I was really strating to get great results, was gonna max in bench the day I got sick but I guess it would have been significantly higher than my old max of 380. Neway, cant wait to hit my next, really first proper (I hope) cycle. Counting the days...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    U.K wales
    i hate pct. the loss of strength is terrible!!

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