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Thread: Forearm Splints!!!???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Forearm Splints!!!???

    I tended to get mild pain in my forearms after a bicep workout...

    Aftre last workout, the pain has become ridiculous. I worked my bi's 2 days ago, and I still have searing sharp pains in my forearms. I am unable to clench my fist tightly and my fingers are a bit tingly.

    I tried curling my wrists towards me during curls... didn't help. Also even more pain occurs when I do close grip curls. This has been a reoccuring minor nuisance... but now it is hurting my cycle.

    What can I do?? I dont even think I will be able to train tonight?!!?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I get those too on ocassion. They are stress points in your bones

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I get the same thing, I bought some Theragesic which is like Ben Gay, and really caked it on my forearms, and the next day it was gone...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ive had it before so bad i oculd not train for a week. rest it til it feels better, use some muscle rub like bengay or icy hot and just wait, if you hrt yourself you will be sorry mate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    when i get that pain is when i put the weights down. when this flares up i mix an asprin in dmso and apply. i also stay off arms for a few days

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    smae problem here too, no scientific explanation i guess

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Yea I put some Cold-Heat rub on it... hopefully helps a bit...

    Since I now know others are suffering I feel better... Im gonna train tonight

    And Ill pick up some Ben-Gay and get my girl to massage it in nice and deep as i scream in pain

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Vick
    Yea I put some Cold-Heat rub on it... hopefully helps a bit...

    Since I now know others are suffering I feel better... Im gonna train tonight

    And Ill pick up some Ben-Gay and get my girl to massage it in nice and deep as i scream in pain
    might as well tell her to massage something else after the gym, w/o ben gay of course

  9. #9
    I did the same thing tryed to train threw it thinkin like and idiot it would go away it really screwed my training up for a long time and that was like over a year agon and on occasion i feel the pain but now know enough to back off and do things arond the pain in order to keep training

    advice ... let it heel u dont wanna go threw the pain when u really hurt your self!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I only and I mean ONLY get what you are saying when I take Dbol. I can take 1000mgs of Test with 1000mgs of EQ with 100mgs of Tren ED. And nothing! But once I hit the Dbol! Forget it! Pain everywhere! Tendonitis you name it!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    yeah i have had done pain b4 i had it for bout six months
    but i have never taken any type of roids
    it has gone away
    i think its just stress on the forarms give them some rest but this pain will come back in future it will never go away believe me

  12. #12
    hmm. the only thing i can recognize and relate to this is if i complete a workout where arm work is heavily involved, afterwards my fingers can kind of uncontrollably curl together into a fist shape. it is quite uncomfortable, but it's definetely related from the heavy lifting. Plenty of sleep eases this though

  13. #13
    take the pain. I had that to because I worked bis and never forearms so my bis became to strong for my forearms abilities.

    start workign forearms more and youll notice the pain go away

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I've had forearm splints for a while and I just do dumbell, concentration, and cable curls instead of the ez bar or straight bar, works for me.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Happens to me too, b4 gear n all. Especially using big weights, 4 me it helps doing curls standing up and using diffrent grips. If I have been hitting biceps hard 4 a prolonged time I always get the pain. Not maybe the first one or two days... The bigger weightsI use the easier I get it..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I had the same problem not on gear or anything else when it happened. But i would sit in class and they would hurt resting. I think i might of had stress fractures because the pain was very bad. It took me two months to heal to where it never came back again. You need to ease up on the weight, maybe get an xray if they are extremely painful to make sure you don't have any small stress fractures. But i think everyone here is hitting it right, REST REST REST. I always felt that the protein shakes eased the pain some for me, but overall i had to work around the forearms for about 2 months to let them heal. And when your feeling better don't go balls to the wall either cause it will come right back again. I'm not a doc but maybe bumping up your calcium intake will help heal them. Good Luck with it

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I had the same problem. When you are done doing your sets release your grip from the bar or dumbell very, very slowly. This will not make the problem go away but it will help alleviate the pain. This worked for me, hope it helps you work through it.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    the calcium uptake prolly wont help.... rest them!! Find ways to do biceps that u can feel no pain.. To me there are many ways I can do them unless the thing gets tot far i.e. I keep training them even while they hurt. Now I have learned to go easy on them and do alternative things right away when I get pains.. No problems anymore most of the time..

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    voltaren anti inflammatory cream works a treat. Stops the enflamed swelling around the area.

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