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Thread: Pro Baseball/Post Surgery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
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    Question Pro Baseball/Post Surgery Cycle ASAP

    I play pro baseball and am looking to take my first cycle ASAP to get back to 100% following my most recent shoulder surgery. The surgery was 11 months ago so I think I am fully healed, but I am still not back to playing yet. I'm looking for suggestions to help me achieve these goals:

    1. Full Shoulder Recovery
    2. 10 lbs max of 'kept' weight.
    3. Increased speed, strength and overall athleticism.

    I'm not looking to get huge, I play shortstop and that wouldn't help me much. I'm also concerned with passing minor league drug tests. A couple of people have suggested Deca, but I'm not sure how much, for how long and with what I should take it. Is that the best post injury drug?
    Last edited by Baller9; 06-10-2005 at 11:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I don't think you want to use Deca as it's detection time can be up to 18 months. Also, are you sure you really want to risk it right now? Baseball is just kind of cracking down on this, lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Great State of Texas
    lol hell yeah... baseball players on roids love it. Takes balls man. Arnt the penatlys worse for minor leaguers. Go with test and var. And you might want to get a steroid cleanse kit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    yeah test wont heal ur injury but u will be able to keep 10lbs of muscle. like sprinter said deca has a long detection time so be careful. i think test. prop. 50mg ed for atleast 8 weeks would be good. with proper pct.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    yeah test wont heal ur injury but u will be able to keep 10lbs of muscle. like sprinter said deca has a long detection time so be careful. i think test. prop. 50mg ed for atleast 8 weeks would be good. with proper pct.
    i agree with what he said. i also play minor league ball (double A) and the only cycles i do are test only cycles just because of the detection times and such.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    if your on a open market then get some adequan and take that along with your test, it will solve any joint problem you have.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Test prop/var
    Week 1-8 Test prop 150mgs eod
    Week 1-8 Var 40mgs ed
    ldex .5 cc ed
    Clomid 3 days out
    Nolva on hand.

    After that but the steriod cleanse kit from this site and you'll be good to go.

  8. #8
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    Is adequan really as effective as Deca after injury?
    How long are we talking for Deca after a cleanse kit?
    To LD_18 what's the deal with off-season testing now? Are they doing it? I'm with an team right now, so I'm not concerned, but as soon as I can throw I'll be back in organized ball and I'm worried that I'll get tested right away.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Dude, you should edit that post b4 someone finds out who you are!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I edited your post...
    Stay away from deca it's just too long of a dection time even w/ the cleanse it hasn't been proven to work well enough yet with deca to take the chance..
    That cycle I laid out for you above will be out of you in 3 weeks.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Don't cheat, kids look up to baseball players.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Don't cheat, kids look up to baseball players.


    Are you joking?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Me? Joke?



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Don't cheat, kids look up to baseball players.


    Otherwise, it'll be time for Congress to reconviene and do a hearing on shoulder surgery/baseball players....or whatever.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    hey bro, bout the off season testing, yea i've heard of it but nobody i know of has been tested in the offseason. i highly doubt that they would test you as soon as u come back just for the heck of it. if u look a lot bigger than u did before then they might consider it but honestly i dont think u got anything to worry bout with that.

  16. #16
    only ttake the juice if ur prepared to get caught or be talked about about behind ur back by all ur teammates bc once u gain that 10 lbs the talking is gonna start trust me

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigDaddySmalls
    only ttake the juice if ur prepared to get caught or be talked about about behind ur back by all ur teammates bc once u gain that 10 lbs the talking is gonna start trust me
    i dont think the "talk" is really whats worryin him, i mean guys all over the league know what goes on and for the most part everyone keeps their mouth shut about what they see or what they know. not everyone is an a$$ like canseco.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    is this jeff bagwell???!!1

  19. #19
    you're an idiot if ur thinkin about running a steroid thats detectable thru testing...if ur a pro, im sure u got enuff money to dish out on designer steroids and "personal doctors"

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    The Couch
    Quote Originally Posted by LiftinJ345
    you're an idiot if ur thinkin about running a steroid thats detectable thru testing...if ur a pro, im sure u got enuff money to dish out on designer steroids and "personal doctors"

    He's Minor League. Minor $. j/k

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Take 40mg/var day
    with 300-400mg of prop a week with 20i.u. of gh a week. The relatively low dose of test prop won't be too hard on your joints, will work synergistically with the GH, and keep your sex drive alive. And all of this is out in 2-3 big ups on that. And Anavar is good for connective tissue repair as is we all well know.

    Adequan is very good for getting in new lube in the joints and speeding up cartilage replication...i've tried it...very impressed...I would get atleast 2-3 bottles which is gonna run yah $150 right there alone. Try 2-3 cc's a week with that.

    Glucosamine/chondroitine is very good as well if given atleast a month...but if you can get it with hyalurnic acid in's even better. Flax seed oil caps at 12-15 a day will really help in the inflamation area. Don't take more than 2g of Vit. c a day either...will slow joints recovery process down....I felt a big difference once I stopped my vit.c after workouts.

    Microlactin and Celadrin are good editions as well...especially microlactin. you can go to to get those.

    The main thing you gotta remember is how you train is going to be the biggest determing factor at helping your arm get back to normal or even better. Stretching your shoulder throughout the day...even if it hurts...will work the joints out and force the joints to produce more hyalurnic acid as well as strengthen them. Also do the rubberband workouts to your liking...just do them...I do them before I warm up and then when I'm warming down. Hope this me for more info...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by alphaman
    He's Minor League. Minor $. j/k
    yea bro, ur right on with that one. i wish we made the money that some people think we do in the minors lol. but cant complain, get to play a game for a living.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=MBaraso]Test prop/var
    Week 1-8 Test prop 150mgs eod
    Week 1-8 Var 40mgs ed
    ldex .5 cc ed
    Clomid 3 days out
    Nolva on hand. Quote

    What can you tell me about Idex? In general, how will prop, var and idex help get me back from injury? My first priority is to get back, if I need to do another cycle later for the main gains I can deal with that then.

    Thanks bro.
    Last edited by Baller9; 06-12-2005 at 11:55 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE=rawhide]Take 40mg/var day
    with 300-400mg of prop a week with 20i.u. of gh a week. The relatively low dose of test prop won't be too hard on your joints, will work synergistically with the GH, and keep your sex drive alive. And all of this is out in 2-3 big ups on that. And Anavar is good for connective tissue repair as is we all well know.

    Adequan is very good for getting in new lube in the joints and speeding up cartilage replication...i've tried it...very impressed...I would get atleast 2-3 bottles which is gonna run yah $150 right there alone. Try 2-3 cc's a week with that.

    Thanks for the kick arse're the first to suggest GH, what makes that essential? Do you think the Var, prop, GH, and Adequan combo will serve the same purpose for injury recovery as Deca? I don't want the 18 mo that Deca takes to get out of my system, but I probably do have 6 months before I'll be tested (thanks to LD_18's comments).

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    1. If testing is random, simply use test base suspension.

    2. If testing is scheduled for a certain day, just use something that will clear out of your system by then. Stay awayfrom deca and equipoise.

    3. GH is not essential, although if you really are a pro it may be useful.

    4. you should first eat six times a day and have a solid weightlifing routine before you use steroids.

  26. #26
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  27. #27
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    Yes, I think GH is essential...and I had the rear and front of my labrum torn and had them sutured back. I read an article a month ago stating that statistically, only 3% of major leaguers ever get back to their original velocity after labrum surgery...which is what I had...and I'm back to my original velo and I haven't even started a cycle...just adequan, GH, and the joint supps. I mentioned earlier. If you have the money...the benefits of GH on your connective tissue is awesome over time. It has totally helped my shoulder get back to normal, and then some. I've never done deca (same reason you have...I don't want that stuff in my system for 18 months!) but it definetly helped lube my shoulder up and speed up the recover after throwing sessions even before I started GH...If you have time to clear a drug test (of atleast 3 weeks for the var)...then I would strongly encourage you to do something like cycle I stated this is what I will do first. Otherwise do a test suspension with GH as stated earlier. Also, GH is going to make the ulnar ligament a bigger and stronger rubberband over time...which will lead to velo a can do steroids all you want...and if you don't get injured and pick up velo...awesome...but after years and years...the ligament in your elbow will not be as strong and elastic without GH in my humble opinion. It's all simple physiology. Anavar is also good for the connective tissue, as well as Equipose, primo and deca...100-200mg of test...which is kinda not gonna do much in the way of need a good amt. of test to get the fast twitch back again...good luck...

  28. #28
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    Rawhide, thanks for all the help bro.

    Given that I don't have the cash on hand for the GH yet, do you think the 40mg/var day with 300-400mg of prop a week, adequan and supps are enough to get the results you are talking about? BTW I'm a 5'11 165 w/5% BF (SS not pitcher)

    Nice job on coming back off the labrum repair, mine came back too (might be easier as a SS) but the shrinkage is still a b****. Any idea how the suggested sauce affects scar tissue and the capsule?

  29. #29
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    I know that anavar is going to help connective tissue replicate faster...GH would help...but it's frickin' expensive is the only drawback...I wouldn't go any higher on the test prop since you are trying to avoid any sore arms...if you are not getting enough gains after 3 weeks bump up the var to 45 or 50...but the 40 should do you fine...and the adequan is good...I would recommend buying 3 bottles (15 cc's) of the equine version...microlactin, celadrin, gluc/chond, and flax caps are a really good natural stack that I suggest you invest in as seems like microlactin works really well...better than all of them...but the combo is bar none the best natural connective tissue stack you can buy. is the only place I've seen for it so far...that combo is what I'm on now...I like it. Don't forget to train properly to get all the muscles and joints worked properly. You gain the way you train! Hope this helps...

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Barry, you really should just retire.


  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Barry, you really should just retire.


  32. #32
    Join Date
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    So what's the deal w/Vit C, I thought it helped curb inflammation? It makes you sore?

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I thought the same thing...I was takin' like 6 g of Vit. C...I had recently read an article about powerlifters that had had surgery and continued vit. C therapy...the study showed that the joints weren't really improving or something...anyhow...I tried droppin' the vit. C...and I felt like it helped my shoulder...anyhow...go with your gut...the study said don't go over 2 g a day...anyhow...just my 2 cents after surgery.

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