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Thread: Oral Only Cycle That Will Shock You

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Oral Only Cycle That Will Shock You

    Im gonna first start with saying i love the sauce. Besides test finaject is my favorite steroid and every1 knows thats an everday inject. So im not the one oppose to needles. My friend is a hemopheliac and genetically has a problem growing. He told the doctor he was going to take injectable vitamin b12 because his relitives from overseas swear on it. The doctor simply said hed have to go to the hospital to stop the bleeding but hes determined to get big and i put this together for him

    Since test should be at the base of every cycle im using androil

    Andriol 200mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Dianbol 15mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Primo Tabs 25mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Oxandrone 10mg ED for 1-6 weeks

    Keep in mind he is very small and has been liftin for a little over a year now with barely any gains just a little in strength none in size and hes done good programs and eats alot he really does try but cant grow. This would be his first cycle and says money is not an issue. I kept it as safe as possible i think can some1 please critique it. And please no critisizing the fact it's oral only because im aware of that but its not like he doesnt want to take a needle the fact is he will die if he takes a needle...

    So i would appreciate the critiquing to be on the compounds and what possibly anti-e's he should take

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    How bad is his hemophilia? Its possible that the doctor is trying to spook him off knowing what he was gona do.. Y dont u give a test shot in the ass neway, if it doesnt stop bleeding then u go to the hospital. Big deal, then at least u know. Be ofcourse safe when doing this etc but u cant bleed so much from a pin prick hole that u will die b4 u get to the hospital.. thats what I would do at least

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    i dont see a point in really doin that cycle. he wont keep any gains from it. i know hemophilia makes u bleed alot but does it have an effect on weight gains too? it might be risky shootin test so i dont wanna say he should do that, cause if he hits a vein he would be screwed. imo i wouldnt do juice if i were him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    How bad is his hemophilia? Its possible that the doctor is trying to spook him off knowing what he was gona do.. Y dont u give a test shot in the ass neway, if it doesnt stop bleeding then u go to the hospital. Big deal, then at least u know. Be ofcourse safe when doing this etc but u cant bleed so much from a pin prick hole that u will die b4 u get to the hospital.. thats what I would do at least
    telling someone to stick a needle in them, when they have hemophilia could be the stupiest thing ive heard on this board, the fact that he could bleed to death if this happens should void any concept of injections.

    id have your friend be honest with the doc, there could be some side effects that you dont know of with his condition,

    I'd want the opinion of a VET or a Mod someone with lots of knowledge or a doc, anwser this question. it could have serious effects! and you can never be to carefull!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u dont bleed dto death from a wound that small in any case..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    im not telling u to do this.. thats what I would do though, unless the haemohilia is really severe..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cuts and grazes usually cause few problems as gentle pressure on the wound is usually enough to stop bleeding

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Anyway not the safest thing maybe but thats what I would do unless really severe haemophilia which is very rare

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    All I am saying is that dont let his condition necessarily exclude him from a safer way to use steroids.. Maybe I shouldve kept my opinion 2 myself but HELL one of my old friends has haemophilia and he became a IV drug addict... But in that sence u r right, i dont know the severity of his condition etc...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    looks good to me If the doctor tells him not to stab himself, he should´nt. Ofcourse he wont bleed to deth but maybe the "wound" would take long time to heel, and just continue to bleed for a week. Go with the orals! Is´nt the gains from Anavar known to be of good quality and mostly retained post cycle, just make sure he does hes PCT

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    U r basically right, but one thing as a future doctor myself I've learned that u cant always take their word as a law. If I personally would have taken my doctor seriously when he told me to quit all sports except biking bcoz of a degenerated disc I would've made a major mistake. Instead I pressed on with weights n then BJJ (which did miracles to my back - Im able to do deadlifts 100% now etc) n now my back is better than prolly ever in my life. All I'm saying is that it was a possibility that the doctor knew by what u meant by "vitamins" and he tried to influence his decision. Ok, my point is not to say that dont listen to your doctors! My point is: just take the things they say with healthy criticism. I'm afraid that this post will be misinterpreted as a post arguing that dont listen to doctors. Listen to them, then find out about facts n if there is a clear conflict get a second opinion. And yeah, maybe he should just stick to oral cycles in his case.. I am not qualified to give out any other kind of ideas...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Either way - if you're gonna do oral only then

    Andriol 200mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Dianbol 15mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Primo Tabs 25mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    Oxandrone 10mg ED for 1-6 weeks
    seems way too complicated (too many compounds)

    If I absolutely had to do a cycle like that I'd run
    Andriol 240-320mg ED 1-8
    Oxandrolone / tbol 30-50mg ED 1-8

    (or maybe tbol only as andriol is pretty sh!t - I barely noticed anything from 240mg ED)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    your fridge
    Is there a reason you are taking andriol it needs to be takin like every 2hours. Are sure you don't mean anadrol. Anyways I would do just a tbol or anavar only cycle. Doing 2-3 of them could have you 15lbs of lean mass heavier.

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