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Thread: started taking clen, cant sleep

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wolverhampton, UK

    Exclamation started taking clen, cant sleep

    Last edited by mkailley; 11-22-2005 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wolverhampton, UK
    wouldnt taking sleeping pills or somthing be better?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    hey, i think it has the opposite effect, im always feeling sleepy, but thats just me.
    but Im having some problems to sleep when i use test, wierd

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    the chit does the same to me..i lowered the dosage and took it as early in the morning as possible..also took anthistamene before bed to help make me drowsy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    spread it out

    Quote Originally Posted by mkailley
    I just got my shipment of clen from AAR a few days ago, It must be some really good shit because, It's my 3rd day and I've worked my way up to 60/mcg a day. I took it today at 12noon, went about my day, went to the gym, and here I am now at 4am still cant sleep.

    Has anyone had experiance with this, because I dont get jittery yet from my dosage so I know I'm still not at my tolerance level.

    Somone recomended I just get stoned every night untill I passout Seems abit exessive to me
    Spread the doses out: 20mcg 8:00am, 20mcg 12:00pm, 20mcg 4:00pm
    problem solved.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    UK, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by mkailley
    I just got my shipment of clen from AAR a few days ago, It must be some really good shit because, It's my 3rd day and I've worked my way up to 60/mcg a day. I took it today at 12noon, went about my day, went to the gym, and here I am now at 4am still cant sleep.

    Has anyone had experiance with this, because I dont get jittery yet from my dosage so I know I'm still not at my tolerance level.

    Somone recomended I just get stoned every night untill I passout Seems abit exessive to me
    You may have a low tolerance to stimulants bro. As logan said, split the dose up through the day but make sure your last dose is not later than mid afternoon. I take my 1st dose after waking in the morning, around 12 noon then about 3pm if the total daily. I went up to 160mcg a day and i had no problems sleeping at night.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMARK
    the chit does the same to me..i lowered the dosage and took it as early in the morning as possible..also took anthistamene before bed to help make me drowsy
    I take all of mine in the morning and if I can't sleep I take some Benadryl. According to Hooker the Benadryl is supposed to help with the effectiveness of the clen anyway and it will help you to sleep. The company that makes Benadryl makes a sleep aid that has the exact same active ingredient in it at the same concentration as the allergy med.... so it does work to make you drowsy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    tyl-pm =)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    It did the same thing to me for the first few days. Like Logan said, make sure you Spread the dose out. I did the dose three times a day morning (8am) mid morning (11) and early afternoon (2pm). I never did it after 3 or 4, b/c it would always keep me up. You will eventually get used to the clen. Part of it is in your head too--- don't think about it so much.

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