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Thread: gonna try some tren, finally...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    H-town, fat-ass USA

    gonna try some tren, finally...

    damn, ive been wanting to hit the stuff, but this next cycle i wasnt wanting to stick myself every day, so i needed something good to go with TestE, and never knew there was a trenE

    anyway, gonna run 600mgTestE/wk, 500mgTrenE/wk, for 12 weeks, last 6 weeks with 50mg Fura/ed

    read Hookers threads, looks like Letro's the way to go, along with bromo or that other stuff (caber-something?), along with some T3...with these doses, how much you think i'd need of all these ancillaries? suggestions appreciated...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    the lower carolina
    25,402 far as the tren e, I'd start @ around 350-400mg/week..but that is only based on feedback from others not personal far as bromo vs. cabergoline(dostinex), I'll vote for dostinex every time..I used it during my last prop/test e/tren a cycle and I always use it as long as it's available...
    ..Personally, I'd run the test e for 1-2 weeks longer than the tren e....
    ..can't give you any help with the experience.....Good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    yes run the test 2 weeks longer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Watching Food Network
    Finally running Tren. I am excited for you! You will absolutly adore this stuff! It is a MUST in any cycle I run these days. Good luck! Bet ya can't wait for the night sweats! hahaha! All worth it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    drop the tren e down to 400mg.. from the research i have done 400 and 500 are night and day different as far as sides for first timer.. I am on 400 right now with great results..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    H-town, fat-ass USA
    another bro suggested running proviron, any suggestions on that front?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    yea im in my 4th week of tren prop see good results havent gotten any of the sides but as for muscle gain its good i got 4 more weeks left
    don't know about the fat loss maybe i need to do more cardio belly fat is annoying

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    tren should be run a min of 10 weeks not 8 if possible..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    i don't know if i have enough
    i wouldn't mind running it for 10

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    what dosage you running the tren??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Why 10 weeks? I thought it was brutal on some of your internal systems and was best to keep a short run of it...? Or is that because you're running the enanthate ester and want to give it time to reach the intended dosage?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TrumanHW
    Why 10 weeks? I thought it was brutal on some of your internal systems and was best to keep a short run of it...? Or is that because you're running the enanthate ester and want to give it time to reach the intended dosage?

    from what i know its to give it time to reach full potential and utilize the compound. in the same token it is touchy cause its harsh so a min of 10 weeks is recommended yet a max of 12 weeks is also. I was told that even if you have run it before dont exceed 12 weeks. so from what i have gathered it should be run at 10-12 weeks and no other way really.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Deezuhl
    drop the tren e down to 400mg.. from the research i have done 400 and 500 are night and day different as far as sides for first timer.. I am on 400 right now with great results..
    Everyone is differenet I am running 700mg weekly without nightsweats.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Personally, with such a tight tolerance for accuracy, I'd definitely go with the short half life acetate. I mean, EOD sucks, but man, who wants to wait days for shiot to kick? Anyway, even if it wasn't such a tight tolerance I'd be inclined to say do the acetate. Lets say you get on the tren and it is harsh on you. You'll want to get off it quickly. Plus, running it in acetate form will give you a chance to see how you respond to Tren without being confused as to whether it's the Test causing the problem or the Tren. After a couple of weeks of checking out what dosage protocol is tolerable for sides you can SWITCH to the long estered version, enanthate. Personally, as much as I FU(KING HATE EOD or ED jabs, I think I'm going to deal with it in the future. It's brutal, takes constant scheduling, and the pain of it SUCKS ASS if its got a high BA content, but fu(k it, I'm tired of wondering whether shits fake. Actually, I may use Enanthate versions of Test, but given my last cycle, I will only do so if I make it myself. Also, I will DEFINITELY run anything I ever run again in the short half life ester so that I can figure out what sides I will get relative to the dosage... even test. Because essentially, I'm only ASSUMING I knew what mg per week I was taking... Let me repeat, ANY NEW DRUG I TAKE, I WILL TAKE THE SHORTEST HALF LIFE VERSION POSSIBLE TO FIGURE OUT MY WEEKLY DOSING SCHEDULE RELATIVE TO MY PERSONAL RANGE OF EFFECTIVENESS AND SIDES.

    Look, I'm going to say it again, the difference between 100mg and 350mg is almost nothing to the HPTA in terms of shutting it down while you're on test. The thing you have to worry about are the androgenic affects and the estrogenic affects, which normally aren't much in that range. Going above 500 is where they start to become a greater likelihood I think. So, dial your dosing in by using acetate (tren) or prop for test. Once you know exactly where the highest dose you can get to before you get some shitty sides are and you will have the recipe for getting the GREATEST gains possible while minimizing the negative.

    Finally, I think brew your own is the best way to do the long estered shiot. Cause otherwise, you're spending money week after week, waiting for the shit to start working, and you don't even know if its real, or if its a lower dose than the bottle says, or if its something completely different. And in fact, the scariest thing to me is that I could have been lulled in to believing that I was taking 750mg per week, when really it was underdosed, then I start my next cycle thinking that 750mg per week is fine, and all the sudden BAM! I'm breast feeding.

    Thats my .02

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    YOu start with Tren e although you have never used tren before nor are you aware of the sides. Makes much more sense to start with acetate at first!

  16. #16
    so when taking the tren acetate when do you start noticing the difference?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    within the first two weeks you will notice sides and if they are not too bad for you hit the tren e.

  18. #18
    how about gain differences and mirror differences

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