what is so bad about t400? and what is the difference between t400 and test e?
what is so bad about t400? and what is the difference between t400 and test e?
There is nothing bad about T400, apart from the pain that it causes but apart from this its good stuff if you cut it with something else that helps with the pain.
The only difference between T400 and Test E is one comes in 400mg/ml and the test e 250mg/ml. But test is test
T 300 Is Painful Enough Man
Originally Posted by superlats
I use test e @ 375 and is virtually painless..... it really depends who makes it
Yeah T400 has a lot of BA in it.Originally Posted by GetnSwole
Originally Posted by superlats
All of your flaming of others and your "big man on campus" talk, and you're crying over this.
wasn't worth the knot in my arse, everytime i'd roll over at night it'd wake me up, felt like a freakin' horse kicked me in the arse...never again, I like sust too much...
T400 is a mix of 3 different tests, prop.,enth. and cyp. It has been rumored to be tested underdosed, it can hurt like hell and I didn't get very good results after using it twice. I wasn't impressed and I'll stick to straight esters.
technically this is incorrect...the 400 vs 250 is not the only diff...test e is a single ester while t4 is a blend of prop,cyp and test e...usually something like 180 mg of tgest e and cyp and the rest in propOriginally Posted by j martini
True, but test is basically test despite the ether. And anyway enanthate and cyp are almost identical and there only is 25mg of prop.Originally Posted by tdawg
The breakdown of ethers in T400 never made much sense to me as enanthate and cyp almost have an identical half life and there is so little prop to be significant.
Hi Fellas! New to this joint, but wanted to say that I tried T400 for the first time last week and on the following day, I was in search of a new right ass cheek! Had a limp for almost 3 days and still feel a little soreness. But like a true blue no-quitter, I gave myself the second dose today in the left cheek. Man, this stuff is off the hook on the pain meter! Is there anyhting I can do to lessen the charlie horse that Tyson punched into my ass cheek? Please let me know.
Jray 1der
Last edited by Jray1der; 06-13-2005 at 06:06 PM.
ill just put it simple...test is test but there IS a diff between single esters and blends...thats my point .Originally Posted by j martini
I won't use sus in a cycle unless I am doing 1.75 grams of test in that cycle. I simply don't like playing with the prop ester unless I canshoot ed. 1ml ed of sus 250 and you are good to go. That hits the pocket books after awhile though.
The pain seems to subside after a couple injections.Originally Posted by Jray1der
Yea, i went for it for the 2nd time and this time it isnt as sore as the right side, but still sore. I'm do'n the whole 1cc at a time, not split'n em up. With this, I bulk up pretty easy though, so for the first time, I wanna be really ripped. I never been really toned up, always bulky. Any advice for a new guy as far as what cycle of what AS I should look into? I heard some good things about winnie, does taht go well with Teast400? I'm not to worried about the GYNO thing either because I had those glands removed about 5 years ago, but any info on a cutting cycle would be great. Thanks.
T400 is more of a bulking drug. It'll make you retain water. Save the Winstrol for a cutter.
I have test 500mg/ml, its almost completely painless. Only has like 3% BA
bullshit.Originally Posted by wiz
so you think i should drop the test400 and go to winstrol? what should i cycle that with? Please let me know.
If your trying to get lean and cut up then T400 is not what your looking for. You can take nolva and/or Arimidex to keep the water bloat to a minimum. Winstrol will give you some lean body mass but I don't know what kind of gains you'll make running it alone. I don't use it as I'm lean enough.
True, but there is only a difference if the ethers used have different half lifes that is the point of a muli ether test blend to provide a slow continuous release of test but if you look at the ethers in test 400 you will see that this is not the case.Originally Posted by tdawg
If you disregard the prop which is only 25mg. Test enanthate and test cyp have an almost identical half life.
Compare this to a true multi ether steroid like sus with ethers with vastly different half lifes.
IMO test 400 has both cyp and enanthate to attract customers into buying it thinking that it is a multi ether product when in reality the difference between enanthate and cyp is minimal.
Originally Posted by j martini
TDAWG I"m with you. I've tried T400 along w/ a few others. Personally, its the biggest crap. I've had tests in front of me showing that it was extrememly underdosed. I wish I still had them in front of me so that I could list them for you. Basically there were about 5 bottles tested and all varied from about 285-385mgs per ML. That's both pathetic and inconsistent. That's so bad for your body to be using one bottle that's 380mg/ml then finishing and going to a bottle that's 280mg/ml. Blood levels are going to be fluctuating too much and then people wonder why they get side effects. I've never had side effects w/ human grade but had many w/ the vet, T400 being the worst.
Also, there's a huge difference between Enanthate and T400, you guys have done a great job listing them too. Also the selling point of the enanthate and cyp is something to think about.
There's a pretty big difference in concentrations too...Originally Posted by tdawg
Did you know that if you shoot 100mgs of deca as 1ml as opposed to 4mls (same 100mgs), you'll actually get higher blood plasma levels with the more highly concentrated shot? Even though you're still shooting 100mgs of nandrolone....
Weird, right?
(*There's a chart showing this in my deca profile)
Do you know why? Does the extra oil slow down how quickly it is released slightly.Originally Posted by hooker
I know that it does, but I'm not really able to speculate why. I mean...the research is there...I'm not sure why it is like that though.
That's actually great info but what's the advantage/disadvantage of having higher blood plasma levels?Originally Posted by hooker
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