Im mid cycle of my var and prop so I am very used to injections now.
The thing is, tonight, I went to do my shot as normal. I normally warm the oil up in the syringe on my fish tank light. I did this tonight, and although I dont know if this makes a diff or not, I accidently left it on there longer than norm and it got warmer than norm - pretty warm actually.
Anyway, thats just some info to help yer. But, I did my shot in the glute, but when I stuck it in, it killed!! I only got through the skin! I pulled out and it hurt a lot still. I thought, maybe the needle tip was blunt, so I changed it and tried again in a slightly higher place. Again, I couldnt get it in cos of the pain. So, again I changed the pin and tried again. This time tho, in the quad. It took me 3 gos in the quad before I could push it in far enough and even then, it only went in 3/4 (1.5"pin) before it hit a nerve that made my muscle twitch! I decided to keep it in, and aspirated and injected albeit uncomfortably!
My question is, normally it doesnt hurt at all really - why was it so hard tonight ???? Did over heating have anything to do with it ?? I wouldnt have thought so but maybe?!!
thanks guys again