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Thread: why so hard to inject tonite?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    why so hard to inject tonite?????

    Im mid cycle of my var and prop so I am very used to injections now.

    The thing is, tonight, I went to do my shot as normal. I normally warm the oil up in the syringe on my fish tank light. I did this tonight, and although I dont know if this makes a diff or not, I accidently left it on there longer than norm and it got warmer than norm - pretty warm actually.

    Anyway, thats just some info to help yer. But, I did my shot in the glute, but when I stuck it in, it killed!! I only got through the skin! I pulled out and it hurt a lot still. I thought, maybe the needle tip was blunt, so I changed it and tried again in a slightly higher place. Again, I couldnt get it in cos of the pain. So, again I changed the pin and tried again. This time tho, in the quad. It took me 3 gos in the quad before I could push it in far enough and even then, it only went in 3/4 (1.5"pin) before it hit a nerve that made my muscle twitch! I decided to keep it in, and aspirated and injected albeit uncomfortably!

    My question is, normally it doesnt hurt at all really - why was it so hard tonight ???? Did over heating have anything to do with it ?? I wouldnt have thought so but maybe?!!

    thanks guys again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    the heat would not have done it. if you are doing lots of injections it could be scare tissue. do you hear like a "crunchy" sound when you push the needel in?
    how many injection sites and what size pin do you use?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I use the 2 glutes and the 2 quads. I use a 22g 1.5" pin. I shoot EOD. I thought about scar tissue but wondered why it just happened to be a prob tonight ???

    Was thinking about doing delt shots too but everything seemed to be going fine with the others. Also, I have probs iw my left shoulder and didnt want anything to irritate it, not to mention it being alittle awkward to inject there!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I know exactly what youre talking about. My glutes are like that. Sometimes i push the pin in and it just hurts like hell.. I always attributed it to the rubbing alcohol i prep with

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The Gym
    Just one of those nights. Sometimes when I inject in the morning on an empty stomach I feel very nautious afterward.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    u shld try breaking your quads into 3 injection zones each... this will give u 6 in the legs... i think u can get at least 2 zones in each cheek as well... that shld b 10 areas to shoot in with just legs and ass...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Or just do Bi's Tri's Shoulders Traps Lats...its really not that bad and I'm on Prop you get used to it jus tlike anything..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    We all have those so called bad shots that kinda ruin the moment......Thats the problem with Prop.....Right now I'm shooting delts, thighs and glutes and it sucks when I hits thighs.......
    HaNG Iin there bro you're half way through the cycle!!

  9. #9
    Are you sure breaking down glutes or thighs into 'zones' can give you more spots? Because I tried this but my entire muscle is sore no matter what zone I shoot in...

    And yeah, I use only ass and thighs with my prop that I shoot ED and the scar tissue is like trying to push a knife through a rock.

    Definately going to do testE E4D with my next cycle instead of prop.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Watching Food Network
    Just a thought: Someone here had recently suggested taking a hot bath and soaking your skin prior to the injection. I started doing this and I have to say it made a world of difference. I had the very same problem with my right.... Yeah thats correct, just my right glute (my left glute is like a hot knife in butter). Give it a try.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    OK thanks for those guys. Ill see what its like next time and hopefully its just a bad night! My right ass cheek is still sore today, even 3 days later (Sometimes I get that!) so I didnt try it there. I MAY try the delts next time just to see what its like to. I just feel like its gonna be awkward to do!!

    thanks again

    P.S. the bath idea sounds good

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo
    I use the 2 glutes and the 2 quads. I use a 22g 1.5" pin. I shoot EOD. I thought about scar tissue but wondered why it just happened to be a prob tonight ???

    Was thinking about doing delt shots too but everything seemed to be going fine with the others. Also, I have probs iw my left shoulder and didnt want anything to irritate it, not to mention it being alittle awkward to inject there!

    You are supposed to give each injection site at least 2 weeks... It seems like scar tissue but if you are still in your first year of injections... it does away quickly if you rest the injection sites. If you are hitting the same sites over and over several times a week, then that is the problem. These sites are still loaded with still coagulating oil (ever see what happens to motor oil that mixes with water, similar happening in arm and you are not giving it a chance to clear out the mess). This the bad problem with injections for things that require EOD injections, you scar tissue all your sites up FAST. You get easier time when you use the once a week or biweekly drugs. Yes probably best to include the delts too..

  13. #13
    yea i'm taking tren so i find myself taking a lot of cold showers cuz i sweat like a hog. i quickly found out that my skin tightens up or something cuz it hurst like hell when i try to inject after. it just won't go in smoothly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    if it is scar tissue, then why has it only just started to happen this one night ??? it just doesnt make sense. I am trying again tonight and hopefully all will be well.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    forests of Pacific NW
    I would just rest that glute for a couple weeks and inject other spots in the meantime. Then try again later.

    Same thing happened to me a while back with my left quad. Just getting the needle in hurt like a b*tch! Didn't even inject anything, I pulled out and treid a dif spot.
    I waited a couple weeks, did other sites, then did the left quad two weeks later. It was smooth as butter.
    I still don't know what caused it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Well Ive done my shot tonite. I chose to do it in a slightly diff are of the right glute this time. When in no probs and without pain. Although, when I pulled back out, blood trickled down a lot and covered my sterile wipe in blood! Its also a little sore afterwards. But, this sometimes happens I guess. Its just strange how it didnt hurt at all when it went in!

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