Got Ttokkyo stanol V this morning at 5:45am at the gym. so at 6am while i was waiting on my next client, i have a great idea to run in the bathroom and get started. everything went well until i got the needle in and the shit wouldnt go i'm standing there in the bathroom with a needle in my ass, my client walks in the office, and i can here her asking where i was,blah,blah, so i think oh shit, it still hasnt went in yet, so hurriedly i pull it out to try to push the crystalized portion out to try again. still wont come out with continuing pressure...finally, It pops and Squirts all over the F***** wall! boy was i pissed! my 7 am cancelled so i ran home got another pin and got it in, but my ass still hurts from the 2 jabs. So...word to the wise... if you gonna inject winny(especially Ttokkyo) have every thing prepared and go straight from the bottle to your ass without hesitation before crystalization.
BTW... has anyone used Ttokkyo winny by itself? and what were your results... im planning
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