I heard that these can actually increase ldl's cholesterols, just wondering if this is true and how much of a concern should their be for this.
I heard that these can actually increase ldl's cholesterols, just wondering if this is true and how much of a concern should their be for this.
I have heard this too, that cholesterol will elevate a bit, I wouldn't be too coincerned. started it at week 7 of my test cycle to combat water retention and it is working well...(a-dex)
i want to run it al the way through my cycle.
well, that is up to you bro... i knew test e would make me put on water, but when it got to be excessive, I addedin the e-dex and I am happy woith the results. I added mine in at week 7 and stopping at week 12. I don't think you need to take that any longer ythan really necessary...
we will see how i do it also, not sure yet, just want to avoid water retention at all cost, doing a cycle of prop/var/and primo, so hopefully water won't be to much of an issue i hope.
prop is a much shorter ester than enanthate. Hence the ED injections... shorter ester will equal less water retention. enanthate is on the high end for h2o retention, then prop is about in the middle, and suspension is supposed to be the lowest... from how I understand it. you should be fine.
thanks bro
question: if you ran .25mg adex for about 12 weeks, how long would your LDL/HDL levels be affected? about 2 months ago, i had some bloodwork done that showed some very high LDL/low HDL levels, about 4 months after my last big cycle...just curious...
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