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Thread: unique cycle opinions?

  1. #1

    unique cycle opinions?

    hey guys just wanted to hear some of your guys opinions on this cycle.i know that it sounds like a terrible one but i am a rare case.a little on my background is i am 28 years old 6`1 250# with 12% bf.have done about 15 cycles of just about everything in the past 10 years.i am one of those rare cases of people who dont get bad sides incluiding deca dick with test free cycles.matter of fact to date my favorite cycle so far has been winny deca and eq with no test until i knew about tren.i done this cycle a couple times and i have never had libido problems or other sides.this is reason i dont always use test.test cycles for me havent been more productive.they seem to make me hold more water and dont give me any advantage.i know about hpta and everything and have had blood work done before which was fine.sorry about the long post but i recently started using tren alone(i know this sounds terrifying for most) for the second time and i am just wondering if there is anyone who has done or has opinions on a test free tren cycle stacked with deca and maybe some winny.i know that i that i am rare and i am not recommending this for anyone.everyone reacts differently.thanks bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    tren/winny/prop (+eq possibly) is a very popular stack, if you don't want to run the test i'd suggest you run tren/winny/eq stack, but I can't understand why you wouldn't want test in there, but you know your body best. do you hold much water on deca?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    in FL (former Masshole)
    If you dont feel like your libido is effected ever then go for it....take advantage if you think your lucky

  4. #4
    i dont hold water from deca and it helps my joints etc.i dont want test because in the past i held more water and didnt keep gain as much lean lbs.what do you think the advantage of eq over deca would be.i can get eq but i have a bunch of deca i would like to use.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    just do a search on EQ vs Deca, they are compared all the time there is a lot of great info on these boards reguarding that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    i woulden't run deca in the same cycle as tren replace the deca with eq

  7. #7
    has anyone run deca and tren together

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