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Thread: decandrol 300 and testosterone cypinate

  1. #1

    decandrol 300 and testosterone cypinate

    I was recently in mexico and purchased 10 cc's of decandrol 300 and 10 cc's of testosterone cypinate. After doing a little research I've come to the conclusion that I probably didn't get enough cypinate. My first question is this, Would it still be worth stacking the 2 together or should I just do deca only cycle. I'm an novice user have only done plain deca cycles once a year for the past 3 years with decent gains each time. 2nd question would be that If you do recommend taking the cypinate also would I need to take clomid after the stack? My last cycle was a 12 week deca only cycle with no anti-estrogen and had no adverse reactions. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    don't do a deca only cycle

    don't do a cycle yet get some more test

    test should ran higher than the deca

    yes you will need clomid you will ned nolvadex and vitamin B6 also

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    deca only imo is not a good idea stack test with it and run the test higher mate.

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