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Thread: Problems With Injections

  1. #1

    Problems With Injections

    Hey I'm new at this and just started my first cycle of winny and deca but after my first shot of winny the tissue around the injection site got hard after the a few hours and and turned red and hurt like hell too its been like this a couple days and the swelling and pain are staring to go away but I don't want to do another shot till I figure out what's wrong. I cleaned and sterilized the injection site and eveything was kept clean I dunno if I'm using the wrong size needle or what but I'm using 3cc 1 inch needles I dunno if maybe thy're too short or what's going on but I would like to figure this out any help or comments would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    you should have done a lot more research before you wen't on cycle

    you should have run test in with your cycle

    have you heard of deca dick

  3. #3
    Ya man I have heard of deca and if you would have actually read my post or paid a little bit of attention then you would have noticed that I am stacking winny with deca so I have heard of it but all I want to know is what the hell happened and why it's doing that at the injection site and I have done my research

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    well bro i tried to help you but when you carn't get a hard on don't come to me about it.

    second it's normal to have a bit swelling and pain from the injection site as long as is not red and swollen for 5 day's you will be fine

    but the amount of reasearch you done before you started this cycle really show's well done
    Last edited by stocky121; 06-19-2005 at 04:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bauer_defence04
    Ya man I have heard of deca and if you would have actually read my post or paid a little bit of attention then you would have noticed that I am stacking winny with deca so I have heard of it but all I want to know is what the hell happened and why it's doing that at the injection site and I have done my research

    if you would have actually read stocky's post or paid a little bit of attention, yourself, then you would have noticed that he said, "have you heard of deca dick?" not have you heard of deca, dick..

    also he asked if your running it with test and you responded, " yea notice i'm stacking it with winny". winny's not a test sorry.. too funny

    but.. like stocky said redness and swelling are common under five days.. over 5 that might be something else.. could be anything from an infection to an aggravated muscle do to poor inj. techniques.. if you feel heat coming off where you injected after 5 days get antibiotics ASAP as that is a sign of an infection..

    do some research on deca, dick.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    yeah winny is not gonna help u with that limp noodle u will soon be sportin in your pants.... y deca and winny??? as for your injection question... it sounds like poor technique... like maybe u didn't go into the muscle just under the skin...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    maybe you said this, but where did you shoot.

  8. #8
    My glute

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I had the same problem with my first 2 shots, even tohught i had cellulitis.
    The third shot it became a lot less, and now the shots barely bother me anymore.

    Too bad i injured my damn back now!!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I live at the gym
    wow... bro, you are definetly not ready for any of this.
    [/QUOTE]if you would have actually read my post or paid a little bit of attention then you would have noticed that I am stacking winny with deca[QUOTE]
    thanks again to another uneducated person using AAS and giving us all a bad name again. hope it all works out for you though. needles are also measured in gauge along with length, if you are using a very large gauge(low number) it could account for this problem

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ive noticed that your first injections into a muscle always hurt more, so its normal, as for you cycle it looks poopy!

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