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Thread: Fina + Others Sterilization 123
04-18-2002, 09:18 PM #1
Fina + Others Sterilization 123
You are being foolish in my opinion for not filtering the SHIT out of your Fina. The proper way to do it is as follows:
All things during this process should be clean. Wash your hands often, use new pins and syringes that are sterile and don’t do this in a cluttered dirty area. Use common sense, your going to inject this into your body. I’m no doctor, I’m fairly new to steroids , though clean room type home environments has been a fairly big hobby of mine in the past. This works very effectively for both myself and several friends, your mileage may vary. All of this is theory and one would be stupid to inject something that wasn’t prescribed by a doctor, marked up by the drug companies, and sold through a pharmacy.
Dump the Fina pellets into the BA (Vial with Clear Liquid).
Put a shallow pan on the stove, boil 1/2" of water, remove from heat and dip the vial with the clear liquid and Fina in it and swirl. Remove and continue to swirl. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Do this until the pellets are ALL COMPLETELY dissolved. The key point NOT to FUCK up is do not let the vial get too hot while doing this. If the vial is too hot to touch then your letting it get too warm.
Take a 3cc or 5cc syringe and draw out at least 3cc's of the clean oil, use an 18g pin to make this easier. Don't worry too much about being sterile here as we will address that later. Of course the cleaner you keep things the better so go for it. Cap this syringe with the oil only in it and set it aside for the next day.
Once the Fina is dissolved in the BA (the clear liquid which has now turned a deep amber, otherwise known as a solvent) you should then add the oil vial into the BA vial. Cap it and shake the HELL out of it for several minutes.
Set this in a cool dark place overnight. Yes some folks go ahead and try to finish in an hour or two when the solution "looks" like the crap has settled out of it, don't do it. It will be MUCH easier to filter after sitting overnight.
Now, the next day take your old empty BA vial, the vial with the Fina/OIL/BA in it, your coffee filter(s), and syringes (including the one with the 3cc's of oil only in it) and have a seat at a comfortable table.
If you do not have a funnel that is small and will fit in the mouth of the vial then go get one. A head shop sells them where they have the cocaine scales and powder filters. Get one, don't skimp on this. Now back at the table stick this funnel in the mouth of the empty vial that used to have the oil only on it. Push the coffee filter into the vial and use a pair of scissors to trim it to fit right. Pull that filter insert out and make another one, trust me this is one of the keys to making the filtering easier.
Take the 10cc or 20cc syringe and put an 18g pin on it. Take the rubber cap off of the Oil/Fina/BA solution and draw out till your syringe is full. Be VERY careful NOT to shake up the solution, and DO NOT draw up any gunk on the bottom. SLOWLY shoot this into the funnel with the coffee filter in it and let it drip into the empty vial. This will take a while so be patient. After the first syringe is done and if there is more BA/Oil/Fina solution left that can be drawn up without getting the crap at the bottom then repeat until there is just gunk and a little bit of solution left.
Now, you remove the used filter in the funnel, squeeze it and wring it out into the funnel and the toss the used filter. Put the other coffee filter you cut to size in the funnel and then pour the sludge left in the bottom of the vial into it. Let it filer drip down for a little while and then you can carefully pull the filter up and gently squeeze it into the funnel, be careful not to let it rip and let the gunk out, just try to get the remaining solution wrung out of it.
Now the fun part. This is when being truly careful about keeping everything CLEAN. Pull off the 18g pin from the syringe you just used. Open the .45 filter and put it on, treat this like a needle and do not touch the bottom end of it. After this put a NEW CLEAN 18g pin on the end of the filter. Insert this into the last remaining untouched STERILE vial, then untwist the syringe and let the filter and 18g pin stay in the rubber top of this vile. Next take any other needle, preferably NOT another 18g but a 23/25g of any length and insert it into the top of the sterile vial as well. This last pin will release the pressure as you filter into the vial.
Now, use the old dirty 18g pin to draw up your now half way clean solution into the syringe. After it is full take off the 18g and carefully twist the full syringe onto the filter in the sterile vial. Now you need to gently depress the plunger and let it trickle into the sterile vial. Take your time, it will be worth it. If there is still more left to filter then unscrew the syringe and leave the filter in place as before, then put the old dirty 18g pin back on and draw up the remaining solution, take off the 18g pin and screw the syringe back onto the filter. Slowly inject the remaining solution through the filter.
Now, take that 3cc's of fresh clean oil out and screw that syringe onto the filter and inject it into the vial. This flushes out the remaining good stuff from the filter.
Take the filter and pin off the sterile vial (it's not sterile now though, but should still be treated as though it is) and toss the filter and pin. If you had a 23/25g pin as the relief pin then great as the plastic "shouldn't" melt when baked, if it's an 18g then it will melt.
Put the sterile vial with the pin in it in a shallow pan and stick it in the oven. Bake at 220 (no more than 250) for 15-20 minutes. Remove and let cool slowly to room temperature. Repeat this process two more times.
After all of this your solution should look damn nice. Technically it is NOT sterile but it is damn close, I dare say more so than most any of **'s injectables and a lot of Mexican gear. This should also not sting much at all or cause any problems from pain issues and the like. This concludes today's lesson.
The proper home method of sterilizing the end product would be to use a pressure cooker for at least 30 minutes. The only problem with this is the fact that at somewhere around 450+- you’re going to boil off the BA, not really a bad thing. Depending on the roid involved you would need to be concerned with their boiling points, melting points, and whether or not they would be stable at these temperatures. In my opinion baking the end product is fine for our needs. However, I am of the opinion that the more sterile and clean gear is the safer. I will follow-up with methods for "true" sterilization of gear.
Another point to note is that this same procedure starting at the phase where you start using the .45 filter can be used to clean up **'s gear and most any other. Some of the pain from injection of Bruce Lee's products can be taken care of by filtering and baking. You could also add some clean oil to the injectble to "dilute" it and it should help with the pain as well.
And the final note for now, to make your gear even cleaner filter through a .2x filter after the .45. This will take forever and your hands WILL hurt, but you will have EXTREMELY clean product.
04-19-2002, 09:43 AM #2
Bump, because you won't get any clogs with this method and it is the right way to do it
04-20-2002, 09:21 AM #3
Snifffffffffffffff bump
05-18-2002, 02:29 PM #4
Bump for those with recent questions...
05-20-2002, 11:12 PM #5G-S Guest
How come your directions vary from the standard ones I have read. Like dumping the solution before it's an hour old, so you dont get as much glue oxidation...
How many batches of FINA have YOU made?
05-20-2002, 11:19 PM #6
DMX..That is a good question..Are those your directions or did you pull them off another board? Just wondering my self how many times you ahve done this..?
05-20-2002, 11:27 PM #7
Well, I have made 8 batches thus far. Any reason YOU fealt like talking to me that way? If you have a better method, by all means post it, I'm always looking to learn something new.
My directions are what work for me, and the others I have made batches for. I didn't specify a time as I stated pretty clearly to add the oil after the pellets have disolved, as in ASAP. Any bonehead that doesn't get this shouldn't be fucking with injectables in the first place IMO.
05-20-2002, 11:29 PM #8
Ryan, I wrote this up myself. I have made a number of batches. I just thought others might get some use out of my experience with this.
05-21-2002, 02:15 AM #9Originally posted by DiMensionX
Well, I have made 8 batches thus far. Any reason YOU fealt like talking to me that way? If you have a better method, by all means post it, I'm always looking to learn something new.
My directions are what work for me, and the others I have made batches for. I didn't specify a time as I stated pretty clearly to add the oil after the pellets have disolved, as in ASAP. Any bonehead that doesn't get this shouldn't be fucking with injectables in the first place IMO.
05-21-2002, 07:37 AM #10
Not at all Ryan, the responce you quoted was to GS.
05-21-2002, 07:42 AM #11G-S GuestOriginally posted by Gettin Stupid
How many batches of FINA have YOU made?
It simply was a question buddy, relax. I just wanted to know how many you have done yourself, so I stressed the word you.
Don't sweat it.
05-21-2002, 08:48 AM #12
Not to go off topic DMX, but seeing as you have used multiple fina solutions, what would you say is the biggest difference, between homemade fina, and just straight Tren Acetate. Im not ballsy enough to "Freebase" Fina myself, Im no Chemist. All I hear is great stuff about it though, and I wanted to know if there is a huge discrepency between just Tren Acetate, and Fina
05-21-2002, 09:03 AM #13
Fina is nothing more than cow implants. Ten Acetate is the same if you get it from the implants or elsewhere. There is no difference. If you can make jello shooters you can make fina.
05-21-2002, 08:29 PM #14Originally posted by DiMensionX
Fina is nothing more than cow implants. Ten Acetate is the same if you get it from the implants or elsewhere. There is no difference. If you can make jello shooters you can make fina.
05-21-2002, 09:03 PM #15
Thanks for the info bro!
Thats what this board is for to post the thing that we have tried!
You found a good system that works and posted it tring to help out others!
The more info we take from this board, will be the more knowledge we have and this will mean the safer we are with gear in general!
Good Post!
05-22-2002, 12:03 AM #16
I will be trying this tomorrow..
05-22-2002, 12:08 AM #17Originally posted by Ryanhallmark
I will be trying this tomorrow..
05-26-2002, 05:38 AM #18G-S Guest
Good Tip. Although, I read it about 20 mins too late, as my pellets are in the solution right now.
05-26-2002, 03:14 PM #19
first crush the pellets
second don't you mean the old empty oil vial... when you say "Now, the next day take your old empty BA vial, the vial with the Fina/OIL/BA in it, your coffee filter(s), and syringes (including the one with the 3cc's of oil only in it) and have a seat at a comfortable table."
05-27-2002, 05:22 AM #20G-S Guest
My god. How long does it take to filter this shit through the .45 filter? Shit, I been workin on it for over an hour. My hands are killing me from pressing. I'm lucky if I get a DROP every 2-3 seconds.
05-27-2002, 06:16 AM #21
GS, Put the first vial in a hot water bath and then it will fly through the Whatman filter.
05-29-2002, 11:46 AM #22New Member
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Actually that is the way I would do it.
Except for the heat.
I filter down to a .2.
Using 4 mls B/A to dissolve approximately 3.8 grams tren crystals extracted and dried from the pellets with ether.
Warm to dissolve add 40 or so mls of T prop EQ T200 or a mix instead of just the blank oil.....and boom potent.......
DMX thoose were the most detailed instructions I have seen posted.
It should be appreciated......
05-29-2002, 07:00 PM #23
Thanks GB.
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