I am a smoker . . on and off since early highschool . . i'm up to half pack a day . . I often play the guilt trip on myself, thinking how much bigger I could possibly get if I kicked the habit . . I've tried to quit before, but realistically i'm addicted . . I probably would never have started if my love for bodybuilding, eating healthy, and staying fit was grasped @ an early age . . but what's done is done . . smoking doesn't really effect my cardio, I just recently ran 30 minutes on the treadmill . . for me, that's good . .
am I the last of a dying breed on here that dedicates himself to the gym full time, but shortly after lights up? . .
do you think smoking plays a role on muscle loss? . .
you know how drinking while juicing is a route you want to avoid . .
how about smoking while juicing? . . besides potential muscle loss . .
smoker or non smoker? and how much are you up to a day? . .