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Thread: Trenabol 150, Tren Depot??

  1. #1

    Trenabol 150, Tren Depot??

    Ok I am debating on which one to get Tren A, Tren Depot, or Tren 150. I invite all opinions on this, because I would like to know if there are differences in results between these and which would be the best to take. Also how each one is taken(I know about Tren A already). I am really looking for answers on how often Tren 150 & Tren Depot need to be taken.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Bump Bump. Anyone that could give some advice on this topic???

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    most vets say they dont like blends and to run it by itself and stack in what else you want. the tren 150 from what i know needs to be adminstered ed. the only tren i have seen that is e3d is pure enathate.. the blends with short esters and long esters require ed shots..

  6. #6
    How about Tren Depot, I heard you need to take it 2 a week.

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